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Peacebuilding – Analysis and Comment

Maria Ramos, pictured here at the 2009 World Economic Forum early in her tenure at ABSA. Copyright World Economic Forum / Eric Miller [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

CEO’s exit underscores how few South African women hold top jobs

Several locally listed companies still have no female board members while most who do diversify their boards tend to appoint only one female director at a time.
The French National Assembly, one of the Western institutions Western academics believe African countries should aspire to. EPA-EFE/Yoan Valat

The claim that democracy fares better in the West than in Africa is a fallacy

The argument isn’t whether African democracies are better than those in the West. It’s simply that the idea of “real” and “not yet real” democracies expresses a colonial mentality, not reality.