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Articles on Photosynthesis

Displaying 61 - 75 of 75 articles

Enjoy the color while you can before climate change makes a mess of this too. chensiyuan

Fall foliage in the crosshairs of climate change

One of nature’s most spectacular events occurs every autumn, when the leaves of hardwood trees burst into brilliant color before falling to the ground. These autumnal displays in the eastern United States…

Vibrations enhance spinach photosynthesis

Molecular vibrations play an important part in enhancing photosynthesis, researchers from the University of Michigan have…

Satellites used to measure photosynthesis

Satellite technology has been used to measure the light that plant leaves emit as a byproduct of photosynthesis. The satellite…
Artificial photosynthesis may lead to a world that no longer bludges off the environment and accords nature its own rights. Shutterstock

Artificial photosynthesis could extend rights to nature

Should ecosystems have legally enforceable rights? It might sound like a ridiculous idea, but a global debate on this is in full swing. The Constitution of Ecuador now recognises rights of nature. Environmental…

Plant enzyme works the night shift

A plant enzyme - ATP synthase - has evolved a new function by changing a single protein. ATP synthases works during the day…

Photosynthesis-inspired device makes biofuel

Scientists have developed a tiny solar-powered device that can produce hydrogen biofuel. The device was developed using biomimicry…
Photosynthesis converts low-energy photons into usable energy; it may teach us how to do the same. papalars

New chlorophyll could hold the key to more efficient solar panels

As the great spectre of climate change continues to loom large over the future, the search for viable, renewable energy sources is becoming ever more important. Solar power has long been seen as a vital…

Artificial leaves turn water into fuel

Channeling inspiration from leaves and the process of photosynthesis, two research teams have developed improved techniques…

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