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Articles on Renewable energy

Displaying 821 - 840 of 1306 articles

Bill Shorten will say that without confidence in the policy environment, investors would never put up the billions of dollars required for energy projects. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Shorten goes on front foot over 50% renewables ‘target’

Australia could be the ‘energy capital of Asia’ but instead it is going backwards, Bill Shorten will say in a speech on Thursday.
Malcolm Turnbull has continued his attack on the energy situation in South Australia, with its high reliance on renewables. Dean Lewins/AAP

Government losing the argument on energy, according to poll

A series of questions by Essential on energy policy has found the Turnbull government is so far failing to persuade people of either its performance or its arguments on energy security.
Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg with a lump of coal during Question Time. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Plea to politicians on energy: stop the brawling

Eighteen groups have issued a plea for political leaders to ‘stop partisan antics’ and work together to achieve energy reform.
High gas prices have left Adelaide’s Pelican Point power station running at less than half its capacity. Peripitus/Wikimedia Commons

Why did energy regulators deliberately turn out the lights in South Australia?

South Australia’s government was angry about the blackouts enforced by electricity regulators. But with much of the state’s gas power offline, the regulators had little choice.
With the right mix, the grid can go fully renewable for the same cost and reliability as fossil fuels. Pixabay/Wikimedia Commons

The government is right to fund energy storage: a 100% renewable grid is within reach

The Turnbull government is funding energy storage as a crucial missing piece of the electricity grid puzzle. Analysis suggests an affordable, fully renewable grid doesn’t require any heroic assumptions.
Better managing how we use electricity in our homes will reduce pressure on the grid, and reduce the need for more power stations. Power line image from

Turnbull’s right: we need cheap, clean and reliable power – here’s how

Fossil fuel advocates claim only coal and gas can deliver cheap and reliable energy, and renewables are synonymous with sustainability. But demand management can solve all three problems.
The rise of renewable energy is one reason the world is shifting away from coal. Wind turbine image from

We can still keep global warming below 2°C – but the hard work is about to start

Global emissions from fossil fuels have stalled. That puts us in the right place to keep warming below 2°C, but there’s plenty of work still to be done.
Obama has prioritized development of wind and solar in a number of ways, including installation on military bases. AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Will President Obama’s clean energy legacy endure?

The Trump administration has the tools to slow the momentum Obama started on clean energy. Countering Trump are global market forces and state-level action.

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