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Todos os artigos de 2016 US presidential election

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How did we get here? Shutterstock

The opioid epidemic: Six essential reads

More Americans died from drug overdose in 2014 than any year on record and six in 10 of those involved opioids. How did we get here and what to do about it?
The vice-presidential debate was much spicier than anticipated, but will it actually swing the election? Michael Reynolds/EPA

Race to the White House – the vice-presidential debate, and Donald Trump’s tax troubles

Race to the White House – Episode #4 The Conversation, CC BY-ND33,8 MB (download)
This week on Race to the White House, Brendon O’Connor, Tom Switzer and Emma Lancaster look at the first and only 2016 vice-presidential debate.
Most serious foreign policy analysts hope Hillary Clinton wins the US presidential race. Reuters

Trump or Clinton: who will be the best for our region?

Despite growing concerns about possible declining American power and influence, the US still dominates the region upon which Australia has increasingly come to depend.
Check up. Mike Blake/Reuters

Why insurance companies control your medical care

Cost and quality issues have long plagued the U.S. health care system because insurance companies both finance and manage medical care. So how did we get stuck with this system in the first place?
A view of Tijuana from San Isidro, California. Americans’ negative opinion of Mexico doesn’t always reflect reality. Mike Blake/Reuters

Is that really how you see us? A Mexican response to US election season

The facts contradict Donald Trump’s anti-Mexican rhetoric, but US mischaracterisation of its southern neighbor isn’t new to this election season - nor will it end in November.
Hillary Clinton’s failure to win over religious voters has not been for lack of trying. Charles Mostoller/reuters

Religion and the US election: does faith matter anymore?

The fact that so much of the religious vote will go to the obviously less religious candidate says a lot about the 2016 US presidential election.
Are drawbridge issues challenging our two-party system?

How trade and immigration are colliding with our two-party system

Debate over trade and immigration have caused rifts within parties this year. An international relations expert explains how these global issues will continue to challenge our two-party system.

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