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Todos os artigos de Adult learning

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Many national parks offer lecture series, nature walks and hands-on science projects for the public. fstop123/E+ Collection via Getty Images

4 unexpected places where adults can learn science

Want to observe native bees? Or seek out invasive species? There are many ways to get hands-on science learning. An expert on adult STEM education suggests four places to start.
Make some time. Reading via patpitchaya/Shutterstock

How reading a little each week is a form of life support

One in three adults in the UK – or 16m people – rarely or never read for pleasure. A new survey of 4,164 adults, including both those who read and those who don’t, found that adults who read for just 20…
Did your mother read too? shaggy359

Class drives equality gap in England’s adult skills

Adults in England have a very unequal spread of basic skills – some are highly skilled while others do poorly at literacy and numeracy tests. It’s likely that entrenched inequality in our education system…

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