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Todos os artigos de Big tobacco

Exibindo 41 - 60 de 101 artigos

Roll-your-own tobacco contains more additives than factory made cigarettes. So let’s not kid ourselves it’s safer. from

Busting the myth that roll-your-own tobacco has fewer additives

Roll-your-own tobacco contains additives to stop it from drying out. So, it’s hardly a “natural” or “healthier” alternative to factory made cigarettes.
How can students think critically about information in today’s age? UBC Library Communications/flickr

The challenge facing libraries in an era of fake news

Since the 19th century academic librarians have helped students navigate the complex world of information. In today’s unpredictable information environment, how might they rethink their role?
Classifying e-cigarettes as a nicotine replacement therapy could help the tobacco industry influence health policy. from

How e-cigarettes could ‘health wash’ the tobacco industry

Classing e-cigarettes as quit smoking aids could help rebrand the tobacco industry as a legitimate player in health policy. Here’s why we should be concerned.
South Africa’s proposed tax on sugary drinks will help improve public health despite the overwrought opposition from the industry. Shardayyy/flickr

Why Africa should resist the power of Big Sugar to undermine public health

The decision to tax sugary drinks in South Africa faces furious industry opposition, but global experience shows industry cannot be trusted to put public health before profits.
Tobacco companies are adapting to Australia’s plain packaging laws by lowering prices and changing their marketing strategies. Chris Wattie/Reuters

How the tobacco industry is gaming Australian health regulations

Big tobacco companies have found a way around plain packaging with clever marketing techniques that undermine Australian regulations.
Tobacco companies are spending millions to stop a cigarette tax increase in California that public health officials say would save thousands of lives a year. California Department of Health Services

Californians backing cigarette tax boost, even though Big Tobacco spending millions

California, the nation’s single largest market for cigarettes, has one of the lowest taxes on them. A proposal to raise the tax by US$2 a pack could signal a sea change.
Slimmer cigarettes are a growth market for tobacco companies. Dedyukhin Dmitry/Shutterstock

Big Tobacco sees its future in cigarettes, not vaping

In 2012, in the early days of the rise of e-cigarettes, Kingsley Wheaton, Director of Corporate and Regulatory Affairs at British American Tobacco, said “Our core business is, and will remain in, tobacco…
California aggressively fights Big Tobacco usage in ads such as this, with funds voters allocated when they increased the tobacco tax by passing Proposition 99 in 1988. California Department of Public Health. California Department of Public Health

Big Tobacco aims its guns to kill California tobacco tax

California has one of the nation’s lowest cigarette taxes, due in large part to a powerful tobacco lobby. The power could shift this fall, if a voters agree to raise taxes by $2 a pack.
Sea of Green Farms in Seattle, Washington. REUTERS/JASON REDMOND

From wine to weed: Keeping the marijuana farm small and local

An era of prohibition may soon be over for marijuana, and powerful players are watching. A legal expert explains how smaller, local producers can keep their pot in the game.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most wretched tobacco-caused illnesses. Chris Singshinsuk/Shutterstock

Philip Morris speaks at and promotes an obscure conference on lung disease

Over the past decade, every researcher’s email inbox has been crammed daily with junk from what have come to be known as predatory journals and conferences. Last week I had 21 offers to send my non-existent…

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