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Legally, you’ve agreed to have your emails scanned – but what about morally? enggul

Your emails are all scanned – and that’s what you agreed to

According to Nobel Laureate Gabriel García Márquez, “all human beings have three lives: public, private, and secret”. It is in our nature to want privacy, yet in the internet age, it has never been easier…
The ‘impossible’ is no longer: a hacked Google Glass is able to recognise faces and fetch personal details.

Smile! Face recognition for Google Glass is here, thanks to hackers

You’re probably already familiar with face recognition technology through security surveillance or Facebook photo tagging, but the next person you see wearing Google Glass may well be using it too - despite…
Companies can keep on ducking tax, despite what the OECD says. Yahoo! Inc

OECD tax avoidance plan is no quick fix for EU

The long awaited report on combating corporate tax avoidance by the OECD sadly has to deal with a corporate tax system which is unfit for purpose. It is a follow-up to the G8 meeting last month in Ireland…
Should search engines like Google be forced to suppress potentially damaging information and ‘forget’ who you are? shutterstock

Forget me not: do we have a right to vanish online?

Do you have a right to be “forgotten” by Google searches and other internet search engines? That question is being considered in Europe currently, where the European Court of Justice has received advice…
Tax protests outside a Starbucks in London. But do people really care enough to make a difference? Steve Parsons/PA

Consumers won’t boycott Apple or Google over tax … yet

The tax arrangements of major brands such as Google, Apple and Amazon have prompted a fierce debate over questions of organisational ethics, social justice and international co-operation. But as a consumer…
Google’s annual conference has offered bells and whistles, and the same old causes for alarm. John G Mabanglo/EPA

Google I/O 2013: five things you need to know

Yesterday saw the end of the first day of Google’s three-day developer-focused conference Google I/O in San Francisco. And for consumers, there was plenty on offer. The annual Google fest is popular…
Google might soon seal a deal with the European Commission regarding alleged abuses. Jessica M. Cross

Google proposes to the European Commission, but hold the confetti

It’s taken nearly three years, but the European Commission and Google last week reached some form of agreement regarding alleged abuses of the search engine’s dominant position in the European Union. Google’s…
Search terms can give insight into the likely future behaviour of economic actors. Ahmad Nawawi

Stock market tip: use Google Trends

What a curious thing the stock market is; so powerful, yet so flighty. Like a school of sardines, it moves as one, changing direction nimbly when danger looms or advantage beckons. What it will do next…
Microsoft’s negative marketing campaign says less about Google and more about its insecurity in the IT industry. AAP/Everett Kennedy Brown

Microsoft’s mean streak reveals a company in crisis

You can tell a lot about an organisation’s culture and view of the world by looking at what it says about its competitors. Some enterprises, just like some politicians and academics, are serene. They don’t…
Will China’s copycat culture spawn a host of smartglasses? SewPixie

Baidu Eye: ‘micro-innovation’ or copying Google Glass?

The tech press reported recently that Chinese search giant was working on a new “smartglasses” device, dubbed Baidu Eye – a computerised headset with a small LCD screen, voice commands, image…
Glass has been smashed by the critics … but is that reaction justified? Slinky2000

See change: is Google Glass all it’s cracked up to be?

It was labelled one of 2012’s most important inventions and “the next big thing”. So it was, with great fanfare, that Google sent its first batch of Google Glasses out into the geekdom in March - and was…
Don’t worry - your Reader data is still in there. Ed Yourdon

Dude, where’s my data? Life after Google Reader

Google HQ’s recent announcement that its Reader platform is to be discontinued has been met with concern - even alarm - from its legions of loyal users. So where do we go from here? What will happen to…
There’s still hope for open sharing of content on the web. Sue Waters

Google Reader is dying, but the open web lives on

Google announced today it will close its Google Reader service. Citing a declining number of users owing to the downturn in popularity of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, Google Reader - which offers…
A High Court ruling that Google did not engage in misleading conduct avoids a quagmire around the obligations of online and bricks-and-mortar publishers.

Google – and everyone else – wins by High Court decision

The High Court has ruled that Google did not engage in misleading and deceptive conduct when it published a number of advertisements created by its AdWords program. Does this mean that the advertisements…
Google has scored a legal victory over the ACCC – but what was it all about? EPA/Joechen Luebke

Warning, digital literacy required: Google wins against the ACCC

Google has won its long-running legal battle with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), after the High Court today overturned a ruling that the company had engaged in “misleading and…
Google has won a High Court case in which the ACCC alleged it engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct. AAP/John G. Mabanglo

Google triumph over ACCC seen as a loss for consumers

Google has triumphed in a High Court case with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, in what experts say is a setback for the competition regulator and a loss for consumers. The ACCC had…
Research in Motion has reinvented itself as BlackBerry — and has released two new phones to boot — but its smartphone market share will be far from peachy. AAP

A juicy BlackBerry 10 won’t make BlackBerry phones more desirable

Research In Motion (RIM), who as of this week officially changed its name to BlackBerry, has come a long way since its beginnings in Waterloo, Canada in 1984. Started by two engineering students, Mike…
Apple share price has been punished after unveilling disappointing first quarter earnings, but its “cool” status has taken a bigger hit.

No longer a brand apart: getting to the core of Apple’s share price slump

The stockmarket was hoping for great things from Apple’s earnings announcement for the December quarter. Most of all, they were hoping for something that would turn around a four month slide in Apple’s…

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