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Todos os artigos de Home schooling

Exibindo 21 - 25 de 25 artigos

Research shows that when parents engage in simple science projects with their kids at home, it boosts their learning in school. (Shutterstock)

Science in the home boosts children’s academic success

From collecting bugs to using math apps, there are many ways parents can engage in STEM activities with their kids to support their learning.
For some parents, home schooling helps to focus on a child’s individual needs, rather than just on grades. from

More parents are choosing to home school their children – why?

Home-schooled children appear to do neither worse nor better than those who attend regular school, so why is there an increasing number of parents who are opting for their child to be educated at home?
Home schooling is on the rise, but why? Shutterstock

Evidence of home schooling success erased from inquiry report

Home education has had a massive rise in popularity in Australia in recent years, with increases of 100% in six years in Victoria, 50% in two years in the ACT, 50% in eight years in South Australia, and…

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