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Todos os artigos de Internet shopping

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Barneys, Madison Avenue, New York. Department stores that were once the pinnacle of middle-class aspiration are losing out to discount shops and luxury retailers.

Death of the department store: don’t just blame the internet, it’s to do with a dwindling middle class

Department stores are collapsing. The internet is part of the problem, but so too is the hollowing out of the middle class.
Apple is considered a leader in designing “experience” stores. Some of their retail outlets in Manhattan have become tourist destinations. Shutterstock

Brick-and-mortar retailers must reinvent themselves to survive the shift to online shopping

Department stores and other brick-and-mortar retailers registered another lackluster holiday shopping season, while online sales have remained upbeat since Cyber Monday. As more consumers spend a larger…
“In a dance as old as time”: Bristol shoppers get ready for some 1950s bargains. Paul Townsend

Amazon price glitch: to buy or not to buy, that is the moral question

Christmas is never plain sailing. It’s tough on consumers trying to work out how much food to buy and how to get their hands on the latest must-have toy for children, and it’s tough for retailers trying…
Do online shop staff do online shopping while at work in their online shopping warehouse? Jakub Kaczmarczyk/EPA

Shopping online at work? Feel free to blame your boss

On Friday we witnessed images reminiscent of the London Riots from a few years ago. People with a crazed look in their eyes descended on shopping malls to plunder their contents. They fought with others…
A Wal-Mart employee puts a bow on a discounted television ahead of Black Friday in Los Angeles. Reuters

Retail rage: why Black Friday leads shoppers to behave badly

The manic nature of Black Friday has often led shoppers to engage in fistfights and other misbehavior in their desperation to snatch up the last ultra-discounted television, computer or pair of pants…
You might not be getting a great deal…. Online shopping image via

Buyer beware, online shopping prices vary user to user

People have a mental model of shopping that is based on experiences from brick-and-mortar stores. We intuitively understand how this process works: all available products are displayed around the store…
Lush’s gripe with Amazon is an explosive issue and it’s not just about ethics. firepile

We might regret backing Lush over Amazon in trade mark wars

The ongoing battle between cosmetics company Lush and internet retailer Amazon is starting to give off a distinctly unsavoury odour. At the beginning, many supported plucky little Lush as it sought to…
Amazon worker wraps someone else’s Christmas present. Chris Radburn/PA Wire

Moral outrage at Amazon is cancelled with a click

If there’s any time of year that retail companies fear bad press it’s in the run-up to Christmas, so undercover footage revealing gruelling work conditions which was broadcast last week and the ongoing…
Learn from the master to take over the world. fugutabetai shyashin

Five things the Washington Post can learn from Amazon

The Washington Post’s purchase by Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos is the latest example of a new generation of internet moguls spending big on pet projects. It was also revealed this week that Google…

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