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Todos os artigos de Malcolm Turnbull

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While Julie Bishop stays on as foreign minister, domestic political calculations might be less of a factor in policy if the government can put dire opinion polls behind it. AAP/Lukas Coch

Can foreign policy be freed from populist politicking?

Australia will benefit if a Turnbull government pursues a foreign policy agenda attuned more to regional and global goals and developments, and less to domestic political challenges.
Malcolm Turnbull’s relaxed and natural demeanour comes as a relief after Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard, except they were once like that too. AAP/David Moir

Can the ‘real Malcolm’ survive being PM?

Australians have seen their recent prime ministers lose the very qualities as communicators that took them to the top. Malcolm Turnbull’s challenge is to avoid succumbing to the same fate.
Malcolm Turnbull is promising a change in leadership style from Tony Abbott, but that alone won’t be enough to qualify as government for the 21st century. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Turnbull must break with past attempts to keep the future at bay

The Abbott government resisted the disruptive changes of the 21st century. To succeed, the Turnbull government will need to shed this reactionary mindset and embrace inevitable change.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, accompanied by his wife Lucy, greet people as they walk along Oxford Street. David Moir/AAP

Will Senate voting reform end up in the too-hard basket?

The polling sends a strong message: Malcolm Turnbull starts his prime ministership with people wanting to think the best of him. Essential has found people believe Turnbull is intelligent (81%), hardworking…
‘Not the best person to liaise with us’: senator David Leyonhjelm on new government Senate leader George Brandis. Lukas Coch/AAP

Senate crossbencher’s advice to new PM: come and walk the red carpet, Malcolm

An important element in the success of Malcolm Turnbull’s government will be how effectively it handles the Senate. Some crossbench senators have greeted the arrival of Turnbull enthusiastically, contrasting…
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced the winners and losers of his ministerial reshuffle. Lukas Coch/AAP

Turnbull unveils cabinet line-up: experts respond

What are the key challenges for ministers entering new portfolios in Malcolm Turnbull’s first cabinet? The Conversation asked experts in key policy areas to respond.
Scott Morrison, through glass in a radio booth, during his interview with Ray Hadley. Lukas Coch/AAP

Ray Hadley mauls Scott Morrison – but no hard feelings

Shock jock Ray Hadley and minister Scott Morrison enjoy a mutually useful, cosy relationship. Their regular on-air chats beam to a large audience; Morrison gets his message out via a sympathetic presenter…
In 2010 Malcolm Turnbull threatened to cross the floor to vote for emissions trading. Polls suggest the public would back him now, even if his party won’t. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

If he wants to win an election, Turnbull should go back to his old self on climate

In backing Abbott’s existing climate policy, Malcolm Turnbull looks like appeasing his party. But his prospects would be better served by appealing to voters who are anxious for strong climate action.

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