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Todos os artigos de Urban sprawl

Exibindo 41 - 51 de 51 artigos

Malcolm Turnbull is known to favour public transport, but he also sees the need to twin the development of higher-density activity centres with rail infrastructure. AAP/Dan Himbrechts

‘The 30-minute city’: how do we put the political rhetoric into practice?

The ‘30-minute city’ goal is about more than urban rail and other transit projects. It means transforming our cities into centres of activity where work, study and services are all close by.
Sydney’s farms on the urban fringe produce 10% of the city’s fresh vegetables. Alpha/Flickr

Urban sprawl is threatening Sydney’s foodbowl

Farms on Sydney’s fringes supply 20% of the city’s food. That could drop by more than half if urban sprawl isn’t kept in check.
Australian cities are increasingly building up rather than building out. AAP/Joel Carrett

Speaking with: Hazel Easthope on designing for high density living

Speaking with: Hazel Easthope on high density living and design
Higher density housing provides unique challenges that make the mix of design, build and social considerations all the more important in creating sustainable and enjoyable living environments.
The inner suburbs of Melbourne are surprisingly more leafy than the outer suburbs. Andrew

Fewer trees leave the outer suburbs out in the heat

When you look out of your window in the morning, how many trees do you see? Your answer might depend on what suburb you live in. As you go further from the city centre, the amount of tree cover in a suburb…
Some rat, possum and mozzie species thrive when living close to people. Mark Philpott/Flickr

Urbanisation brings animals and diseases closer to home

Our world is becoming increasingly urbanised. In 1950, just 30% of the world’s population lived in urban areas. This number is now over 50% and rising. By 2050, two-thirds of the world’s population are…

Predicting the growth of a city

Is there a universal law that can accurately predict the seemingly random growth of a city? Patterns in urban migration are…
The arguments for urban densification and urban sprawl both have merit and neither is absolutely right. Flickr/t3rmin4t0r

Growing out versus filling in: how about we all grow up?

It’s a debate that’s been raging for decades and dominates academic and popular urban planning discourse: urban sprawl versus urban densification. Is it better to increase density or to expand at the edges…

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