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Director Biosecurity Flagship, CSIRO

The CSIRO Biosecurity Flagship protects Australia from biosecurity problems and risks posed by serious pests and diseases, including those already in Australia and many that have the potential to cross our borders.

Before joining CSIRO, Dr Kurt Zuelke had served as the Director, National Animal Disease Center (NADC) for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service’s (ARS) since taking the position in 2006.

Located in Ames, Iowa, the NADC is the largest US federal animal health research facility focused on high‐impact endemic diseases of livestock and wildlife species, with over 300 staff and an annual budget of $33 million (USD).

As Director, Dr Zuelke sought closer collaboration between the ARS, which oversees the NADC, and the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, which operates the National Veterinary Services Laboratories and the Center for Veterinary Biologics.

From 2005 to 2006, Dr Zuelke, a veterinarian and animal physiologist, served as the USDA's representative on the President's Science and Technology Council for the George W. Bush Administration, where he coordinated federal agricultural, biotechnology, and life science research and policy issues, and led the US delegation to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD ) Working Party on Biotechnology.

In 2001, Dr Zuelke became the Research Leader of the USDA ARS Biotechnology and Germplasm Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland; working, through until 2005, to improve the genetic efficiency of livestock and poultry.

As a Department Head and Research Program Leader for the Victorian Department of Primary Industries (1995-2001), Dr Zuelke led and managed government and industry initiatives and research.


  • –present
    Director Biosecurity Flagship, CSIRO