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Todos os artigos de US immigration

Exibindo 161 - 180 de 228 artigos

What if even you didn’t know your own password? Password via

Why we should not know our own passwords

As searches of smartphones and other digital devices at US borders become more common, can research and computer science help protect travelers’ privacy?
What do you do if a border official asks for your phone PIN? Ervins Strauhmanis/Flickr

How to protect your private data when you travel to the United States

Following reports of travellers to the US being forced to unlock their phones for border officials, here are some steps you can take to prevent your personal data from being exposed.
Pro-statehood supporters at the seaside Capitol in San Juan, Puerto Rico. AP Photo/Danica Coto

Yes, Puerto Ricans are American citizens

Over the years, Puerto Ricans have in fact been granted three different types of U.S. citizenship, but questions about their rights and equal treatment as citizens still remain.
Deporting more illegal immigrants means hiring more ICE agents. The costs add up. Charles Reed/U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement via AP

Why mass deportations are costly and hurt the economy

Following through on campaign promises to forcibly evict several million illegal immigrants, Trump has set in motion a plan to deport those with criminal records. But doing so won’t come cheap.
A Mexican who was recently deported from the U.S. in Tijuana, Mexico. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido

America’s mass deportation system is rooted in racism

From Chinese laborers to ‘bad hombres,’ the US settler mentality has perpetuated an immigration system that pushes out unwanted groups and bypasses the Constitution.
The Statue of Liberty has been a welcoming sight for immigrants for decades. Susan Ragan/AP Photo

Want a stronger economy? Give immigrants a warm welcome

Trump’s plans to build a wall with Mexico and deport millions of people in the US illegally cast immigrants as an economic threat to Americans. The evidence suggests otherwise.
A woman holds a flag as she looks out over the National Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

Threats of violent Islamist and far-right extremism: What does the research say?

Data on violent incidents in the US reveal that our focus on Islamist extremism since 9/11 may be misguided.
A protester against President Trump’s immigration policy and a Trump supporter in New York City. REUTERS/Stephanie Keith

Refugees: Is there room for a middle ground?

Data since 1950s show Americans have always been wary of refugees. A public opinion expert explains current attitudes toward Syrian refugees and what it means for building consensus on policy.

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