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Articles on Drought

Displaying 41 - 60 of 616 articles

A well in Afanasyeva village, Mykolaiv region, damaged by flooding after the Kakhovka Dam breach. Anatolii Stepanov /AFP via Getty Images

Kakhovka Dam breach in Ukraine caused economic, agricultural and ecological devastation that will last for years

Breaching the Kakhovka Dam and reservoir had all the hallmarks of a scorched-earth strategy. Two expert observers of the Russia-Ukraine war explain this event’s destructive long-term effects.
A flash drought in 2012 dried out soil, harming crops in Kansas and several other states. John Moore/Getty Images

Farmers face a soaring risk of flash droughts in every major food-growing region in coming decades, new research shows

If greenhouse gas emissions continue at a high rate, breadbaskets of Europe and North America will see a 50% chance of a flash drought each year by the end of this century.
Cloud seeding can increase rainfall and reduce hail damage to crops, but its use is limited. John Finney Photography/Moment via Getty Images

Cloud seeding can increase rain and snow, and new techniques may make it a lot more effective – podcast

Cloud seeding – spraying materials into clouds to increase precipitation – has been around for nearly 80 years. But only recently have scientists been able to measure how effective it really is.
Sprinklers water a lettuce field in Holtville, California with Colorado River water. Sandy Huffaker/AFP via Getty Images

The Colorado River drought crisis: 5 essential reads

Two decades of drought have reduced the river’s flow by one-third compared to historical averages. The Biden administration is considering mandatory cuts to some states’ water allocations.
Americans – especially those living in areas affected by drought – are turning to paint to give their grass that perfect green sheen. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Why more and more Americans are painting their lawns

The ideal of perfect turf – a weed-free, supergreen monoculture – is a relatively recent phenomenon.

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