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Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Notre Dame

I am associate professor of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame, with a Ph.D. from the from University of California Berkeley. I am also concurrent faculty at the Keough School for Global Affairs. Before joining Notre Dame’s faculty, I was a post-doc at the University of Chicago. My research examines Russia’s post-Soviet political and economic transformation and engages with questions how we study market creation in this context and beyond.

My new book, "Black Earth, White Bread; A Technopolitical history of Russian Agriculture and Food" (University of Wisconsin Press) came out in February of 2022.

"Like all facets of daily life, the food that Russian farms produced and citizens ate—or, in some years, didn’t eat—underwent radical shifts in the century between the Bolshevik Revolution and Vladimir Putin’s presidency. The modernization of agriculture during this time is usually understood in terms of advances in farming methods. Susanne A. Wengle’s important interdisciplinary history of Russia’s agriculture and food systems, however, documents a far more complex story of the interactions between political policies, daily cultural practices, and technological improvements.
Examining governance, production, consumption, nature, and the ensuing vulnerabilities of the agrifood system, Wengle reveals the intended and unintended consequences of Russian agricultural policies since 1917. Ultimately, Black Earth, White Bread calls attention to Russian technopolitics and how macro systems of government impact life on a daily, quotidian level."


  • –present
    Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Notre Dame