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Articles on El Nino

Displaying 101 - 120 of 199 articles

A hot summer will mean wetlands dry out faster than ever, so how will pest mosquitoes respond? Cameron Webb (NSW Health Pathology)

Will the arrival of El Niño mean fewer mosquitoes this summer?

The forecast arrival of El Niño may mean the east coast of Australia will experience an exceptionally hot and dry summer, but does this mean there will be fewer mosquitoes buzzing about?
Maximum temperatures for January to September were the warmest on record for the Murray–Darling Basin and New South Wales. DEAN LEWINS/AAP

Australia moves to El Niño alert and the drought is likely to continue

After the warmest month on record, it looks like Australia will have an El Niño event – which means the drought is likely to continue.
It’s more important to know whether there’ll be any weather than what the weather will be. Photo by Loren Gu on Unsplash

The BOM outlook for the weather over the next three months is ‘neutral’ – here’s what that really means

The Bureau of Meteorology’s climate outlook for April to June is ‘neutral’, but that doesn’t mean we’re flying blind, weather-wise.
Floods in South East Queensland follow a 40-year cycle, and planners should take note. AAP Image

Floods don’t occur randomly, so why do we still plan as if they do?

Engineering practice assumes that floods are randomly distributed but science suggests they are not. This raises questions about the reliability of flood infrastructure and management strategies.
A motorist drives through “nuisance flooding” in Charleston, SC, Oct. 1, 2015. AP Photo/Stephen B. Morton

An X-factor in coastal flooding: Natural climate patterns create hot spots of rapid sea level rise

Climate change is raising global sea levels. Now research shows that ‘hot spots’ where seas rise another 4 to 5 inches in five years can occur along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, further magnifying floods.
The growth in global carbon emissions has resumed after a three-year pause. AAP Image/Dave Hunt

Fossil fuel emissions hit record high after unexpected growth: Global Carbon Budget 2017

After three years in which global carbon emissions scarcely rose, 2017 has seen them climb by 2%, as the long-anticipated peak in global emissions remains elusive.
Cape Town’s drought and associated water shortage has escalated disaster level. Flickr

Why Cape Town’s drought was so hard to forecast

Cape Town promised alternative water sources with the ongoing drought being declared a disaster. Its main strategy is water rationing but climate models are also being used.
Pit latrine in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Access to clean water and sanitation are key to preventing cholera epidemics. D. Schafer, SuSanA/Flickr

How El Niño forecasts can help prevent cholera deaths in Africa

Cholera kills thousands every year but is treatable if it is caught early. Understanding how El Niño shifts cholera risks in Africa can help countries prepare for outbreaks and save lives.
Climate change is already delivering more extremes of wet and dry to the Pacific region. EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG

Droughts and flooding rains already more likely as climate change plays havoc with Pacific weather

New research shows that global warming has already begun to exacerbate extremes of rainfall in the Pacific region – with more to come.
Firefighters fight forest fire in Indonesia, triggered in part by El Nino. EPA/RONY MUHARRMAN

Meet El Niño’s cranky uncle that could send global warming into hyperdrive

We’re due to cop a hiding from the Pacific Ocean, but we don’t know when.

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