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Science Fellow, Met Office Hadley Centre

My degree, taken in I966 at Reading University, UK, was Honours Physics. I am currently a Science Fellow at the UK Met Office Hadley Centre, now working part time. My main expertise is in climate variability and change, seasonal to decadal forecasting and climate data set development. I have won a number of national and international awards for seasonal forecasting, climate variability and hydrometeorology research and am a guest or Honorary Professor at Universities in UK, Sweden and Australia. In Australia I am an adjunct professor at the University of Southern Queensland. Most of my funding has come from the UK Met Office, and at the start of my career when in oceanography, from the UK Natural Environment Research Council. I have also had funding as a Meteorological Fellow from the Link Foundation of New Zealand (1994 and 2000) and from the Swedish Research Council in 2013-15. I have been a Convening Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for three reports and a Lead Author for another. I have published over 150 papers in the peer reviewed literature and have a Web of Science h index of 45 with nearly 14000 citations. I am a Fellow of a number of scientific societies, including the American Geophysical Union and the UK Royal Meteorological Society. All IPCC Lead Authors shared in the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the IPCC in 2007.



  • 2008–2017
    Science Fellow, part time, UK Met Office Hadley Centre
  • 1990–2008
    Head of Climate Variability and Forecasting and Science Fellow, UK Met Office Hadley Centre
  • 1989–1990
    Principal Scientific Officer, Synoptic CLimatology Branch
  • 1988–1989
    Exchange Research Scientist, Climate Analysis Center, Washington DC, USA
  • 1980–1988
    Principal Scientific Officer, UK Met Office Synoptic Climatology Branch
  • 1976–1980
    Head of Hydrometeology Section, UK Met Office Agtriculture and Hydrometeorology Branch
  • 1974–1976
    Senior Scientific Officer, UK Met Office Synoptic Climatology Branch
  • 1969–1974
    Head of Sensor Development, UK Met Office
  • 1966–1968
    Scientific Officer, National Institute of Oceanography