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Articles on Infrastructure

Displaying 541 - 560 of 636 articles

Education minister Christopher Pyne has maintained that the higher education reforms must be passed in order for science infrastructure funding to be released. AAP/Lukas Coch

Science infrastructure funding is being held hostage by government

Leading scientists warn that research facilities may close and jobs will be lost if the government doesn’t free up promised science funding.
The Murchison Widefiled Array might not look like traditional infrastructure, but it’s just as essential to scientific research. Natasha Hurley-Walker/Wikimedia

Brian Schmidt: why funding science infrastructure is essential

The government is holding crucial science infrastructure funding hostage until its higher education reforms are passed by the senate.
A little employee love goes a long way. Southwest Airlines shows how a company can be rewarded for valuing its workers. Reuters

US must invest in its workers and roads to sustain job gains

The economy is creating the most jobs in 15 years, but only a substantial investment in our crumbling infrastructure and underpaid workforce will ensure they last.
To help Australia meet its G20 commitments, infrastructure projects like Sydney’s WestConnex require a more stringent and transparent cost-benefit analysis. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

PM’s infrastructure plan failing growth and cost-benefit goals

The OECD’s Going for Growth report released this week is a good reminder of why Tony Abbott wants to be remembered as “the infrastructure Prime Minister”. The OECD argues addressing infrastructure service…
Victoria’s new government has promised to “tear up” the contracts for the controversial East-West Link project. Courtney Biggs/AAP

Rip up the contracts? Why public-private infrastructure deals need to change

Victoria’s public-private partnerships (PPPs) are a mess. Their democratic standing has never been lower. They have always trumpeted better value for money and more timely delivery, but with the contract…
Some US bridges are currently living out their twilight years. Bob Jagendorf

Here’s how to fix America’s crumbling bridges

There are about 600,000 bridges in the United States, and about one in four is classified as functionally obsolete or structurally deficient. This doesn’t mean they’re in danger of imminent collapse; they…
China recently launched its US$50 billion Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in Beijing. AAP

Why we should question G20 claims of a global infrastructure shortfall

The G20 infrastructure agenda cites an OECD prediction the global infrastructure gap will be worth US$70 trillion by 2030. It is predicting this gap will grow. Yet it’s difficult to assess the credibility…
Tony Abbott is meeting Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing this week. Lukas Coch/AAP

Abbott’s awkward APEC moment over Asian infrastructure bank

Forget shirt-fronting Russian President Vladimir Putin. Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s most challenging task this week will be breaking an uncomfortable silence with Chinese President Xi Jinping. And he…
Victoria’s capacity to handle the millions of containers imported and exported through its ports affects the whole state. AAP/Julian Smith

Project affecting all of Victoria has to be part of election debate

Victoria’s election debate about infrastructure is shaping up around large projects such as the East West Link and Airport Rail Link. But another infrastructure project could also be on the radar: the…
Immigrant faces from the early 1900s watch Ellis Island visitors pick their way through a crumbling hospital. Aimee VonBokel

Artists’ installations raise questions about abandoned buildings

This fall, French street artist JR and American cinematographer Bradford Young each installed a series of portraits in crumbling New York buildings. The two projects were not coordinated, but together…
We’ve all experienced the frustration of waiting for public transport, but would we pay more tax for improvements? Purple Wyrm/Flickr

Six ways to boost funding for better public transport

Although Australia’s tax-to-GDP ratio is low by international standards, no-one wants to discuss how we might pay for the improvements needed to public transport, and even less the need for taxation to…
IMF managing director Christine Lagarde says the economic recovery underway in many markets is “brittle, uneven and beset by risks”. Dave Hunt/AAP

The world has an economic growth problem, and more G20 spending won’t fix it

Last week the IMF revised its 2014 global economic growth forecast down to 3.3% from the 3.7% expected six months ago, confirming that most economies around the world, Australia included, continue to underperform…
Global infrastructure agendas must not marginalise developing countries

The pitfalls of the G20 infrastructure agenda

Australia’s G20 infrastructure agenda aims to increase quality investment into global projects. The agenda advocates using the private sector to develop infrastructure in order to boost global growth and…
Australia is pushing for the creation of a G20 infrastructure hub.

Building big: does Australia need a global infrastructure hub?

Infrastructure investment is failing to attract the funding it needs to support global growth. As of June 2014, the managed funds industry in Australia had just over $2.4 trillion dollars under management…

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