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Articles on National security

Displaying 341 - 360 of 418 articles

The story of Jake Bilardi (centre) has distorted the characterisation of what most people think of as a radicalised individual. AAP/Twitter

Jake Bilardi’s story shows why terrorist intervention must be tailored

There will be more Jake Bilardis to come, and Australia must realise that no two cases will be entirely the same. Radicalised individuals will come from all areas of society.
The continued focus on aerial bombardment of Islamic State’s military and economic assets risks alienating Iraq’s Sunni population. EPA

Military-based strategy in Iraq risks entrenching divisions

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has announced a further deployment of Australian troops to Iraq to train Iraqi forces in the fight against Islamic State.
Hizb ut-Tahrir, represented by spokesman Uthman Badar, has courted controversy and been criticised by Tony Abbott in recent times. AAP/Dean Lewins

Explainer: what is Hizb ut-Tahrir?

Hizb ut-Tahrir is not a political party. It is not active in any Islamic schools, mosques or institutes. It does not have any real influence on Australia’s Islamic community.
When Manal Kassem laid her bridal bouquet at the tribute to the Lindt Cafe siege victims in Sydney, onlookers applauded – no-one cast doubt on her sincerity as a Muslim in the way Tony Abbott’s words have done. AAP/Supplied

Playing the Muslim card: Abbott’s loose lips threaten to sink unity

By casting doubt on the sincerity of Islamic leaders when they condemn terrorism and extremism, the prime minister risks alienating Muslims and dividing instead of uniting the Australian community.
Unlike early 20th-century prime minister Alfred Deakin, Tony Abbott has no language for reaching out to the Australian people. Library of Congress

Alfred Deakin provides a contrast to an Abbott lost for words

Alfred Deakin knew what he believed in; it helped him to believe in himself, and to survive three terms as prime minister.
Tony Abbott flies the flag for national security in response to terrorist threats, but what about other, greater challenges? AAP/Lukas Coch

National security debate misses big picture of ‘balanced’ response

Amid debate about expanded national security laws, political leaders have yet to explain why terrorism is a more important threat than other challenges such as climate change or domestic violence.
Tony Abbott’s proposed national security measures include significant changes to Australia’s citizenship regime. AAP/Lukas Coch

There’s more to be lost than gained in stripping citizenship

The proposal to revoke the citizenship of dual citizens who fight for terrorist groups would materially expand upon the existing grounds for citizenship loss.
Tony Abbott’s proposed national security changes have the potential to exacerbate the underlying causes of violent extremism and further damage Australia’s social cohesion. AAP/Lukas Coch

Abbott’s national security changes are unlikely to make us safer

Australia’s response to terrorism must not be rooted in short-term political gains, but in a larger strategy that takes into account the problems leading to social disaffection.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott said the government would act against “hate preachers”. AAP/Lukas Coch

Abbott’s message to Muslim leaders: speak up and mean it

Tony Abbott has urged Muslim leaders to speak out more – and sincerely – in the fight against terrorism, as he unveiled tough new measures that would remove or curb the citizenship rights of those linked…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott insists that ‘the system’ let Australians down in the case of siege gunman Man Haron Monis. AAP/Paul Miller

Abbott fires up on national security but how safe can we really be?

Tony Abbott insists that “the system” let Australians down by not heading off siege gunman Man Haron Monis long before he ever got near the Lindt cafe in Martin Place. “This monster should not have been…
Questions still to be answered on what metadata is to be kept from internet connections. Flickr/Jakub Hlavaty

How much will Australia’s metadata retention plan really cost?

The metadata retention debate is heating up with Prime Minister Tony Abbott telling us the cost of not going ahead with compulsory retention of metadata will be incalculable and will represent a form of…
The Abbott government’s expedited passage of national security laws in 2014 demonstrated an underlying disrespect for the legislative process. AAP/Nikki Short

‘Good government’ gets lost in the pursuit of national security

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has made two key pledges in recent weeks – to begin “good government” and to no longer give “the benefit of doubt” to people suspected of planning terrorist activities in Australia…
The Allied bombing of Dresden, which killed 25,000 civilians, during the Second World War is but one example of state terrorism. German Federal Archive

When talking about terrorism, let’s not forget the other kind

To overcome the kind of relativism captured by the cliché “one person’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter”, we need to define terrorism independently of who is employing it. Here is the definition…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott is pushing for greater metadata retention powers. Youtube

Metadata legislation will help fight child sex abuse: Abbott

Tony Abbott will seek to shore up his case for the government’s controversial metadata legislation on Wednesday by highlighting its use in child sex abuse and child pornography investigations. The prime…
Bill Shorten is in a difficult situation with national security legislation. AAP/Lukas Coch

Shorten likely to stay glued to Abbott on national security

The national security debate, involving potentially life and death issues but heavily overlaid with politics by an embattled government, is tricky ground for the Labor opposition. Opposition leader Bill…
Tony Abbott’s statement to parliament on national security is to come amidst a difficult time for the prime minister. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Abbott’s stoking of terrorist fears may be a political sideshow

Prime Minister Tony Abbott looks set to make a case for further sweeping national security changes in the wake of recent terrorist attacks and arrests. Speaking in advance of a statement to parliament…

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