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Articles on Science

Displaying 381 - 400 of 600 articles

Could seeing things in black-and-white terms influence people’s views on scientific questions? Lightspring/

The thinking error at the root of science denial

Why do some people reject scientifically accepted ideas? A psychotherapist points to black-and-white thinking as part of the explanation.
Knismesis occurs from a light touch, like a feather touching you and can happen on the skin anywhere on the body.

Curious Kids: Why are we ticklish?

People have wondered for years and scientists still don’t know for sure.
Australia’s Prime Minister and Minister for Jobs and Innovation meet with scientists at the Australian Institute of Marine Science. Michael Chambers/AAP

Servant or partner? The role of expertise and knowledge in democracy

Plato suggested we leave complex things to experts and Aristotle suggested we leave them to the people. That tension has carried through to modern debates about where expertise belongs.
A team of researchers in northern Australia have documented kites and falcons, “firehawks,” intentionally carrying burning sticks to spread fire: It is just one example of western science catching up to Indigenous Traditional Knowledge. James Padolsey/Unsplash

It’s taken thousands of years, but Western science is finally catching up to Traditional Knowledge

A double standard exists concerning the acceptance of Traditional Knowledge by practitioners of Western science.
Former governor general David Johnston invests Toronto scientist Janet Rossant as a Companion of the Order of Canada during a ceremony at Rideau Hall in Ottawa in 2016. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Canada’s unsung female heroes of life sciences

Canada’s female scientists are superstars in their fields yet most Canadians have never heard of them. On International Day for Women in Science, it’s time to give them the recognition they deserve.

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