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Articles on Teaching

Displaying 301 - 320 of 356 articles

Teach instead of tell, and know your students. There are ways you can become a better teacher. Shutterstock

Expert panel: what makes a good teacher

Amid debates about teacher quality and training, and with the Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group soon to report on teacher education, we asked a panel of experts just what makes a good teacher…
Should lectures come with a warning label that they may cause drowsiness and hinder learning? Shutterstock

Are lectures a good way to learn?

Imagine a future where university enrolment paperwork is accompanied by the statement: Warning: lectures may stunt your academic performance and increase risk of failure. Researchers from the United States…
Would you admit to being a teacher? David Davies/PA Wire/Press Association Images

Would you admit to being a teacher today?

Are you a teacher? When you are at a party, a wedding or in the pub, and asked: “What do you do for a living?” – what do you say? Why might you lie? Is it too boring? Too complicated? Much too likely to…
Universities are increasing the number of academics who focus on teaching, not research. Lecturer image from

The rise of teaching-only academics: belated recognition or a slippery slope?

In 1988, then-federal education minister John Dawkins almost doubled the number of Australian universities. Dawkins did this by by merging colleges of advanced education and institutes of technology into…
The parents’ voice has been left out of the curriculum conversation. AAP/Dan Peled

It’s time for parents to have their say on the national curriculum

Australia’s national curriculum, which is set to be reviewed, is an easy document for anyone to find and read. It really doesn’t require two experts – or six months – to report on it. Over the past six…
Many young teachers, even the good ones, are leaving the profession. Struggle image from

Why good teachers leave teaching

As another school year comes to a close, there are some early career teachers quietly packing up their desks and walking out the school doors with no plan to return next year. Some estimate the attrition…
Can you pick a good teacher out from the pack before they enter the classroom? Chalk image from

A winning formula: how to pick the best teachers

It’s one of those debates that has seemingly gone on forever. All the way back to the ancient Greeks, people have been trying to figure out the best way to choose teachers. Australian governments, most…
Spelling tests aren’t teaching kids to spell. Test image from

Why some kids can’t spell and why spelling tests won’t help

A couple of years ago, early one morning, I received an SMS advising “resadents to stay indoors because of a nearby insadent”. I was shocked by the spelling, as much as the message. Surely, I thought…
Australian university educators were recognised for their work last night at an awards ceremony in Canberra. Lecture image from

Number cruncher named university teacher of the year

Professor John Croucher has won the Prime Minister’s University Teacher of the Year award. Croucher, a professor of statistics at Macquarie University’s Graduate School of Management, received the award…
Are “teacher fast-tracking” policies a good idea? Teacher image from

Can anyone teach? Fast-tracking our children to educational disaster

Governments in Australia are increasingly looking to “fast-track” professionals or high-performing graduates into teaching in schools. It’s a policy idea that has surface appeal. After all, you can get…
The Royal College of Surgeons has been improving surgery for centuries. Andy G

Professions step up to make the Big Society a reality

Whether it’s keeping us safe, teaching us to add up, looking after children at risk or helping delinquents mend their ways - police officers, school teachers, social workers and probation officers affect…
A new report shows that universities that conduct a large amount of research aren’t necessarily better at teaching. Lecture image from

Is university research good for teaching?

Australian higher education is dominated by its universities, and therefore by institutions that have dual teaching and research missions. There is a long debate about whether these two activities complement…
Hands-on problem solving methods will help students become - and stay - engaged with maths and science. Thompson Rivers

Let’s be practical here: active learners are most engaged

MATHS AND SCIENCE EDUCATION: We’ve asked our authors about the state of maths and science education in Australia and its future direction. In this instalment, Chancellor of Monash University Alan Finkel…
Science teachers in Australia have copped a lot of flack - so what are our options? Michael Mueller

Boosting the status of science teaching: what can we do?

MATHS AND SCIENCE EDUCATION: We’ve asked our authors about the state of maths and science education in Australia and its future direction. Over the next 10 days, we’ll be running a selection of their responses…

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