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Articles sur Ear infections

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Both children and adults are susceptible to the ear infection known as “swimmer’s ear.” Kay Blaschke/Stock4B-RF via Getty Images

Summer swimming season may be over, but you can still get swimmer’s ear – and you don’t even need to go in the water

Perhaps surprisingly, it’s possible to get swimmer’s ear without a dip in the pool, lake or ocean. Two doctors explain what this painful infection is and how to get rid of it.
Ear infections are no fun. The OSTRICH clinical trial looked at whether oral steroid medications might help. from

How researchers assess whether medications work

Clinical trials can assess impact of a medication on a disease. The ideal design is ‘blind’ – when the researchers and participants do not know who is assigned to the different treatments.
Hearing can be affected by loud noises, but the mechanisms have not been fully understood. The auditory nerve plays a big role. 9nang/

Some nerves: How loud noise may change hearing

Noise is common, but we don’t fully know what that means for our hearing. A recent study suggests how overstimulation of the auditory nerve may be too much for it to handle.

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