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Articles sur Labor Party

Affichage de 161 à 180 de 223 articles

Bill Shorten took on some members of his party at Labor’s national conference on contentious policy issues – and won. AAP/David Crosling

National conference subdued about Labor revival as Shorten gets his way

The Labor Party’s future depends on its ability to steer its vision for a more progressive Australia through the twin obstacles of public suspicion and the still-powerful party oligarchies.
California has realised that investing in renewables is smart economic policy. Tony Webster/Wikimedia Commons

50% renewable energy would put Australia in line with leading nations

Ramping up investment in renewable energy would put Australia on a footing with competitors such as China, Germany and California, which are set to reap the economic benefits of this emerging sector.
Under the Coalition government, there has been little regard for asylum seekers’ humanity, and no concern for establishing durable solutions to their plight. AAP/Eoin Blackwell

How Labor can create a humane refugee policy without reviving boat arrivals

Labor has little to gain politically from deviating from the Coalition’s harsh asylum seeker policy, and yet there is urgent need for reform.
Bill Shorten’s support – and that of his party – is almost entirely a function of public perceptions of Tony Abbott’s performance. AAP/Nikki Short

Shorten’s trust deficit is limiting Labor’s opportunities

Bill Shorten has neither built the profile nor provided the performance that renders him prime minister-in-waiting rather than fragile whinger-in-chief.
Kevin Rudd was portrayed as interfering, micro-managing and bullying in his first stint as prime minister – but some painted a different picture. AAP/ABC

The Killing Season exposes multiple truths, but little honesty

Whose “truth” best explains the implosion of the Rudd-Gillard Labor governments? Multiple “truths” are presented in the ABC’s The Killing Season as we continue to pick over that era’s debris.
Opposition leader Bill Shorten, Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen and Shadow Assistant Treasurer Andrew Leigh have said their multinational tax package will make big firms pay their fair share. AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

Labor’s multinational tax package misses the point

The tax package recently announced by the Federal Labor party is clearly well intentioned but it misses the point about multinationals paying their fair share.
Labor has long had leaders, such as former prime minister Paul Keating, capable of speaking the language of Anzac. AAP/Alan Porritt

A legend with class: labour and Anzac

There is a complicated story involving the Anzac legend and the left between the 1920s and the 1960s which historians have barely begun to untangle.
The Whitlam government had a reformist vision whose origins lay in the future prime minister’s own wartime experience. AWM

Gough’s war: making a politician, changing a nation

While serving in the RAAF, future prime minister Gough Whitlam led his first political campaign, agitating among his own squadron in support of the 1944 referendum.
All by myself. AAP/Alan Porritt

Book review: The Latham Diaries, ten years on

The Latham Diaries remains a seminal piece – not only having revealed the ALP’s inner workings, but having highlighted policy issues and structural problems which continue to be of concern.
Martin Ferguson criticised New South Wales Labor’s campaign against privatisation of the poles and wires. AAP/Paul Miller

Expelling Martin Ferguson would be a bad look for Labor

Bill Shorten should resist the witch-hunt against former ALP minister Martin Ferguson over his attacks on NSW Labor’s anti-privatisation campaign. The idea that the Labor Party should expel Ferguson…
A still from a NSW election ad, run on television and online, which says “selling the electricity network is wrong; selling it to another country is just not on”. CFMEU Mining/YouTube

Playing the China card may win votes, but it’s bad for Australia

Labor and the unions have decided to play the China card in the NSW election. Such scare campaigns ignore the facts, including that Australia has invested almost as much in China as China has here.
The Reverend Fred Nile is a veteran of the NSW Parliament – and many predict that if the Baird government is re-elected, his vote could decide whether power privatisation goes ahead or not. Dean Lewins/AAP

NSW privatisation could hinge on a single upper house vote

A re-elected Liberal National government needs to win 10 upper house seats in this year’s NSW election to hold a clear majority. But any fewer than 10, and it may need a Plan B on privatisation.

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