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Articles sur legal systems

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Conservative lawmakers in dozens of U.S. states have raised fears that Islamic fundamentalists want to impose Sharia on Americans. Reuters/David Ryder

Don’t blame Sharia for Islamic extremism – blame colonialism

There is no inherent tension between Islam and democratic values. Like any use of religion in politics, the application of Sharia as law depends on who is using it – and why.
Teens are questioning the suggestion that they can’t get their stories straight and that abusive behaviour is to be expected at their age. Here teens from the 1980s pose for a time capsule. Vintage Everyday

What young people can learn from the Kavanaugh hearings

Last week’s hearing with Brett Kavanaugh raised questions about how responsible we are for our youthful actions. A legal scholar says that youthful inexperience doesn’t let us off the hook.

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