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Articles sur Medicare

Affichage de 121 à 140 de 236 articles

As more and more seniors need care, their budgets will be strained. As a result, they may rely on Medicaid. gagliardiImages/

Why Medicaid matters to you

Medicaid, a state-federal entitlement program that people associate only with the poor, pays for care for more than six in 10 nursing home residents. That could be you, or someone you love.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who announced June 27 that a vote on the Senate health care bill has been delayed until after the July 4 recess. Carolyn Kaster/AP

Republican health care bills defy the party’s own ideology

The health care bill proposed by Senate Republicans was little better than the House version, which begs an important question: Who’s driving health care law – a free market or insurance companies?
Nurse Jane Kern administers medicine to patient Lexi Gerkin in Brentwood, New Hampshire. Lexi is one of thousands of severely disabled or ill children covered by Medicaid, regardless of family income. Charles Krupa/AP

Not just for the poor: The crucial role of Medicaid in America’s health care system

As Republicans seek to repeal Obamacare, they have added an overhaul of Medicaid to their plans. Here’s a look at the program and the surprising number of people who would be affected by cuts.
Because the threshold for the Medicare levy exemption is based on family income, the reform will reinforce the move towards higher effective tax rates on low income second earners in a family. Joe Castro/AAP

Shifting the tax burden to middle-income earners will undermine jobs and growth

With its recent budget changes, the government is proposing a rise in marginal tax rates across a wide band of middle incomes and a marginal tax rate cut for the top.
The treasurer referred to the A$13 billion “zombie” measures the Senate has failed to pass as a “Senate tax”, in justifying the tax increases in this budget. Lukas Coch

Budget 2017: bank populism will be paid for by Australians

The budget was extraordinary in many ways. It is an abandonment of restraint on taxes by a liberal government. It is nakedly populist and it also acknowledges that government debt can be productive.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Labor leader Bill Shorten addressed the National Press Club on February 1 and January 31 respectively. AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

FactCheck: are bulk-billing rates falling, or at record levels?

In twin speeches to the National Press Club, Labor leader Bill Shorten said bulk-billing rates are falling, while Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said bulk-billing is at record levels. Who was right?
Should the government be able to use intellectual property laws to control who can criticise its health policies by using the Medicare logo? AAP/Joel Carrett

Medicare logo case shows the urgent need to update Australia’s IP laws

Using intellectual property laws to try to shut down Mark Rogers’ ‘Save Medicare’ website shows how these laws serve to restrict free speech and advance government privatisation agendas.
This approach will help concentrate efforts on evidence and value rather than ideologically based, slash-and-burn approaches. AAP Image/Fairfax Media Pool/Andrew Meares

Five tips to get the government started on real health reform

The government must do more to deliver a 21st-century health system – not just to improve its standing with voters but to meet the health needs of all Australians.

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