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Articles sur Universal coverage

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Bill Clinton’s 1993 health care plan called for universal coverage. It was dead by 1994, but the political wrangling it started over health care lives on. J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo

Universal coverage, single-payer, ‘Medicare for All’: What does it all mean for you?

The US has been trying to reform its complicated health care system since 1993. In 2020, it continues to be one of the biggest and most complicated issues of the presidential campaign.
Health care has become a major talking point in the 2020 election. Aaron P. Bernstein/Reuters

US health care: An industry too big to fail

Presidential candidates have been proposing plans to expand health coverage, lower prescription drug costs and make hospital bills more transparent. But few get to the real problem. Here’s why.
Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, considered a powerful dealmaker, failed to get the necessary votes to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

US health care system: A patchwork that no one likes

Many Western, industrialized nations provide health insurance. The US has repeatedly balked at universal coverage. So what kind of system are we left with? A very unpopular one.

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