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Articles on Brain

Displaying 561 - 580 of 596 articles

New scanning technology may be able to measure blood flow in parts of the brain to translate the thoughts of completely paralysed and seemingly comatose patients. AAP

Completely paralysed may be able to ‘talk’ through scanner

Completely paralysed and seemingly comatose patients may eventually be able to have real-time conversations using scanning machines that can translate their brain signals into messages, a team of neuroscientists…

Where do you find love in the brain?

A new study has discovered that love and desire activate specific but related areas in the brain. Researchers analysed the…

New insight into brain cancer

The role of a tumour suppressor in brain cancer known as parkin has been uncovered and promises to shed light on why certain…
Despite being considered a scientific taboo in the past, the study of consciousness is slowly gaining momentum. emmakate deuchars

Learning experience: let’s take consciousness in from the cold

Until 20 years ago, scientists interested in empirical work on consciousness – our private subjective experiences – hid it by minimising or eliminating the “c-word”, the use of which was a career-limiting…
The jury is still out on whether mobile phones cause cancer.

Do mobiles give you brain cancer? The verdict’s still on hold

Neurosurgeon Charlie Teo is, to many of his patients, the “angel” who cuts where other surgeons fear to go. He feels strongly about the possibility that using mobile phones might increase the risk of brain…
Scientists believe that by mimicking the production of a molecule, they may be able to delay or repair the onset of dementia in elderly patients. AAP/Melbourne Neuroscience Project, Katrina Lawrence

Molecule may be key to halting early dementia

The discovery of a molecule that appears to regulate memory and learning in the brain could pave the way for treatments of early dementia, scientists at the University of Queensland’s Brain Institute (QBI…
We can already control computers with our thoughts, but how deep does the rabbit hole go? Warner Bros. Pictures

Into the Matrix: the future of augmented reality (and you)

The growth of augmented reality (AR) will almost certainly change the way we visually experience the everyday world. And, as discussed previously on The Conversation, it’s likely to be Google’s Project…

Babies show computers how to learn

Research into the cognition of babies and small children may help scientists program computers to think and learn more like…
Are you a rational thinker, or do you make decisions based on intuition? alistairh

The benefits of being in two minds

Are you the “lazy” or the “deliberate” thinker? Why can’t we have a hybrid? Something has been bugging me for quite a while – how difficult it is to strike a balance between thinking fast, albeit impulsively…

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