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Articles on Donald Trump

Displaying 3161 - 3180 of 3463 articles

A view of Tijuana from San Isidro, California. Americans’ negative opinion of Mexico doesn’t always reflect reality. Mike Blake/Reuters

Is that really how you see us? A Mexican response to US election season

The facts contradict Donald Trump’s anti-Mexican rhetoric, but US mischaracterisation of its southern neighbor isn’t new to this election season - nor will it end in November.
Hillary Clinton’s failure to win over religious voters has not been for lack of trying. Charles Mostoller/reuters

Religion and the US election: does faith matter anymore?

The fact that so much of the religious vote will go to the obviously less religious candidate says a lot about the 2016 US presidential election.
Are drawbridge issues challenging our two-party system?

How trade and immigration are colliding with our two-party system

Debate over trade and immigration have caused rifts within parties this year. An international relations expert explains how these global issues will continue to challenge our two-party system.
Polls and commentators all suggest Hillary Clinton easily won the first presidential debate. Justin Lane/EPA

Race to the White House – who won and who lost the first presidential debate? Does it matter?

Race to the White House - episode #3 The Conversation, CC BY-ND27.7 MB (download)
The third episode of Race to the White House dissects the first presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Humility might have gone out of politics. But why does it matter? Charles Mostoller/Reuters

Why America needs the virtues of humility

At a time when politics is showing its most divisive side, a scholar argues that embracing humility could help us deal with hidden biases.
Performers march along the Great Wall of China in 2008. David Gray/Reuters

Dear Mr Trump: here’s how you build a wall

Donald Trump, if he takes the US presidency, will immediately start building a wall between Mexico and the US. What lessons can he take from that celebrated wall-builder, Chairman Mao?

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