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Articles on Obesity

Displaying 381 - 400 of 769 articles

Taxing sugary drinks to tackle obesity would lead to a stronger economy, new research shows. from

Taxing sugary drinks would boost productivity, not just health

The benefits of a sugar tax go beyond mere health savings when obesity rates drop. Our new research predicts wider economic benefits due to more, healthier people in work.
The type of sugar in popular soft drinks varies from country to country even if the brand name is the same. from

We know too much sugar is bad for us, but do different sugars have different health effects?

A recent study found Australian soft drinks had higher concentrations of glucose than US soft drinks, which had more fructose. Does this mean Australian drinks are worse for health than US drinks?
The show’s three hosts (left to right) Sandro Demaio, Renee Lim and Shalin Naik tackle obesity in the first episode, but don’t quite nail it. ABC TV

The ABC’s Ask the Doctor sends mixed messages about obesity

The ABC’s new show Ask the Doctor goes some way to explain the many contributors to obesity. So, why spoil it with the take-home message that willpower is all you need to lose weight?
Not better. Shutterstock

Do smaller plates make you eat less? No

It’s an idea that keeps returning, but there’s not convincing evidence to show eating from smaller plates will make a difference to obesity levels.
Sugar activates the same brain system as drugs such as nicotine and cocaine, meaning consuming it is a behaviour we want to repeat. from

Fact or fiction – is sugar addictive?

If you’ve ever tried to cut back on sugar, you may have realised how incredibly difficult it is. This leads to the question: can you be addicted to sugar?

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