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Articles on Road safety

Displaying 101 - 120 of 159 articles

A Miami police officer looks at a driver’s license he requested from a motorist at a DUI checkpoint. AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

With legal pot comes a problem: How do we weed out impaired drivers?

We have a reliable and easy-to-use test to measure blood alcohol concentration. But right now we don’t have a fast, reliable test to gauge whether someone is too doped up to drive.
Will the reality match the hype that’s promised from a future with driverless cars? Shutterstock/Karsten Neglia

A future world full of driverless cars… seriously?!

Driverless cars are the future, right? Wait. While things would be simple if our roads were 100% driverless, getting there is anything but. And planning for roads shared by robots and humans is hard.
As problems occur, rapid design adjustment will advance autonomous cars’ abilities. Image of car with sensors via

After fatality, autonomous car development may speed up

Sometimes a user’s death causes technology development to slow down – but other times, progress speeds up to address the newly uncovered problems.
We’ve all met the angry driver – but how should a driver-less car react to such behaviour? shalunts

What happens when a self-driving car meets a road rage driver?

Driverless cars could soon be cruising Australian roads if South Australia gives the go-ahead to reforms to its road legislation. The technology promises to increase safety on our roads, but what happens…
Faulty ignition switches like this one were at the core of the troubles at GM, which led to record recalls last year. Reuters

It seems little is certain in life but death, taxes and auto recalls

The US’s top auto safety agency last week fined Japanese car company Honda Motor a record US$70 million for failing to report hundreds of fatal accidents and injuries over the last 11 years. The unfiled…

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