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Articles on Space

Displaying 301 - 320 of 782 articles

It’s important to understand sex and eroticism in space. (Photo by Nong Vang on Unsplash)

Love and rockets: We need to figure out how to have sex in space for human survival and well-being

As space exploration takes off, it will become increasingly important to study and understand sex, intimacy, desire and pleasure off-Earth.

Is space infinite? We asked 5 experts

The universe has a finite age — 13.8 billion years to be exact. So if it had a beginning, why is it so difficult to say for sure whether it will have an end?
Both Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson successfully rode to space on rockets made by their private companies Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic, respectively. AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez

Space travel for billionaires is the surprise topic with bipartisan American support – but not from Gen Z

According to a new poll, people across political and demographic lines think the private space race is good for the future but still just an ego trip for the billionaires involved.
Scientists have been studying lunar samples brought back from Apollo missions to understand the geologic history of the Moon. NASA

Moon lacked a magnetic field for nearly all its history – new research resolves mystery sparked by rocks brought back on Apollo

Without a magnetic field, the Moon’s surface is exposed to solar wind. These could have been depositing resources like water and potential rocket fuel on the Moon’s surface for billions of years.
Gravity feels like it’s pulling everything toward Earth, but why? AdventurePhoto/E+ via WikimediaCommons

Why does gravity pull us down and not up?

Gravity is something every person on Earth intuitively understands: It is what keeps you on the ground. But how come gravity pulls down, rather than pushes up? Einstein came up with the answer.
Virgin Galactic’s Unity VSS spacecraft went on a suborbital test flight in May 2021. VIrgin Galactic

What’s a suborbital flight? An aerospace engineer explains

Both Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin are sending spacecrafts – and their billionaire founders – into suborbital flight. But what differentiates a suborbital flight from a trip around Earth?

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