Olympics have often provided the impetus for large-scale broadcasting innovations, such as when TV was introduced in Australia to broadcast the 1956 Games.
The Olympic Games are an ideal venue to showcase new ideas to world. In a world where reducing carbon emissions is a priority, could the Olympics be doing more?
The joint South Korean-North Korean women’s Olympic hockey team has angered fans of the game and raised concerns about athlete morale. But the media spotlight is actually good for the game.
North Korea sending a delegation to this year’s Winter Olympics in South Korea may be a global shadow puppet show – or it might help thaw the frozen relations between the two countries.
Whatever hoo ha about human rights and corruption gets attached to the Chinese Winter Olympics victory, it won’t be allowed to detract from the event itself.
The International Olympic Committee will choose between two non-democratic countries – China and Kazakhstan – for the 2022 Winter Olympics. A sign of things to come?
Last year, the inhabitants of Bavaria overwhelmingly voted against Munich even bidding to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Ludwig Hartman, a member of the Green Party in the Bavarian state legislature…
The competition to host the Olympic Games has typically been fierce, but an increased awareness of the giant money pit they usually become is convincing some cities to think twice. Earlier this month Oslo…
The Norwegian government has withdrawn Oslo’s bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics. Despite the country’s great wealth, it cited concerns over the cost of hosting the event. Oslo was the favourite of the…
Honorary Professor, School of Kinesiology, Western University, London, Canada; Adjunct Fellow, Olympic Scholar and Co-Director of the Olympic and Paralympic Research Centre, Institute for Health and Sport, Victoria University