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Harvard Medical School

Harvard Medical School has been synonymous with excellence in education, research and clinical care for generations.

Since the school was established in 1782, faculty members have improved human health by innovating in their roles as physicians, mentors and scholars. They’ve piloted educational models, developed new curricula to address emerging needs in health care, and produced thousands of leaders and compassionate caregivers who are shaping the fields of science and medicine throughout the world with their expertise and passion.


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Na imagem de microscópio eletrônico, os vírus causadores da Covid SARS-CoV-2 (amarelos) emergem da superfície de células (azuis e rosas) numa cultura de laboratório. NIAID-RML / AP Photo

Estudo internacional que investigou os enigmas do coronavírus teve protagonismo brasileiro

Estudo internacional que contou com pesquisadores do Brasil revelou as estratégias surpreendentes empregadas pelo coronavírus para escapar do sistema imunológico, driblando as defesas naturais do organismo
Coping with everyday affronts comes at a cost and requires a certain level of emotional suppression. RyanJLane/E+ via Getty Images

Racism produces subtle brain changes that lead to increased disease risk in Black populations

Racial threats and slights take a toll on health, but the continual invalidation and questioning of whether those so-called microaggressions exist has an even more insidious effect, research shows.


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