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Institute of Education and Research (INSPER)

Institute of Education and Research (Insper) is a Brazilian research and education institute located in São Paulo. It has three research centers focused on applied microeconomics, finance, and strategic management.


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Cargo ships at the container terminal in Lianyungang Port, China. CFOTO/Future Publishing via Getty Images

Supply chains should make the world better, not worse – it’s time for a rethink

There needs to be a shift in sustainable supply chain management to go beyond minimising harm to proactive regeneration.
Protesto contra violência policial sobre jovens negros nas ruas de Niterói, no Estado do Rio: AP Photo/Silvia Izquierdo

Análise: Por que raça (ainda) importa?

Estudo das dinâmicas sociais mostra que relativizar movimentos como o Black Lives Matter enfraquecem as vozes que clamam por justiça e deslegitimam as experiências da população negra em to do o mundo.


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