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Keene State College

One of three institutions that make up the University System of New Hampshire, Keene State College is a public, liberal arts college with a student population of over 5,400 students.

The university was originally founded as a teachers college but today there are more than 40 areas of study available from Keene State College’s three academic schools – the School of Arts & Humanities, the School of Sciences & Social Sciences and the School of Professional & Graduate Studies.

Education remains one of the most popular majors, along with Psychology and Safety and Occupational Health Applied Sciences.


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Le 7 avril 2021, des manifestants nord-irlandais brûlent la Porte de la Paix à Belfast, construite dans les années 1990 pour séparer les communautés protestantes et catholiques de la ville en guerre. Charles McQuillan/Getty Images

L’Irlande du Nord, née dans le conflit il y a cent ans, connaît une nouvelle flambée de violence politique

Le Brexit a rouvert une vieille bataille sur l’identité nord-irlandaise, entraînant des affrontements de rue sans précédent depuis des décennies.
Northern Irish protesters on April 7, 2021, burn the Peace Gate in Belfast, built in the 1990s to separate the city’s warring Protestant and Catholic communities. Charles McQuillan/Getty Images

Northern Ireland, born of strife 100 years ago, again erupts in political violence

Brexit has reopened an old battle over Northern Irish identity, leading to clashes in the street. Scores have been injured in the troubled UK territory’s worst outbreak of violence in decades.


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