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Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Research at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences revolves around human cognitive abilities and cerebral processes, with a focus on the neural basis of brain functions such as language, memory, navigation, music, and communication. Our studies focus on the key coding principles of the brain enabling human thinking and the perception, planning, and generation of human cognitive abilities and cerebral processes, and analyse the interaction and common functional basis of their production and perception. We also investigate plastic changes in the human brain, the infl uence these have on various cognitive abilities, and on the neuronal and hormonal basis of modern diseases like high blood pressure and obesity. An additional focal point of research at the Institute is the further development of imaging methods such as magnetic resonance imaging for neurosciences.

The MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences provides an exciting framework for these topical and alluring theoretical domains, with the full gamut of cognitive and neuroscientific methodology available under one roof. The Institute currently consists of four departments: Neuropsychology, Neurology, Neurophysics and Psychology. A hallmark of the Institute and its research strategies is the dovetailing of research, development, and engineering. The centre draws on elaborate modern imaging techniques, which are gaining ground as part of more conventional behavioural approaches.

Our institute at Stephanstrasse in Leipzig was established on 1 January 2004 by a merger between the former Leipzig Max Planck Institute of Cognitive NeuroScience and the Munich Max Planck Institute for Psychological Research. The new Institute, joining two centres of expertise into one, reflects the development of psychological and neuroscientific research, which are being conducted increasingly closer together. The centre in Leipzig has established exceptional conditions for interdisciplinary behavioural and neurobiological research into human cognition.

