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Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods

Initially founded as a Max Planck institute that investigates the provision of collective goods, the ­institute has developed into an international hub that focuses in its research mainly on applied economics and on behavioral law. Moreover, the institute hosts three independent research groups on “moral courage”, “economic cognition”, and “mechanisms of normative change”. The set of researchers from various disciplines, such as economics, law, psychology, and sociology, constitutes a truly interdisciplinary environment that facilitates a cross-fertilization of ideas. The institute’s research expertise covers a wide range of subjects, including the formation of economic preferences, team decision-making, the analysis of credence goods markets, the definition of normative problems that call for legal intervention, the effects of legal interventions, rule generation and rule application, the psychological processes of bystander interventions against norm violations, the cognitive and affective processes leading to choices, and reasoning about social norms.


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Le gardien suisse Yann Sommer arrête le tir au but de l’attaquant français Kylian Mbappé et élimine la France dès les huitièmes de finale de l’Euro. Franck Fife / AFP

Tirs au but : la France aurait-elle eu plus de chances de battre la Suisse en tirant en premier ?

Une étude portant sur une centaine de séances de tirs au but disputées lors de tournois majeurs montre que le fait de tirer en premier importe moins que le fait de pouvoir choisir qui tire en premier.


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