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Monash University

Change has been the driving force of Monash University’s growth and success for more than 60 years as we have strived to make a positive difference in the world, and it’s the foundation of our future as we redefine what it means to be a university.

Our Impact 2030 strategic plan charts the path for how we will actively contribute to addressing three key global challenges of the age – climate change, geopolitical security and thriving communities – through excellent research and education for the benefit of national and global communities.

With four Australian campuses, as well as campuses in Malaysia and Indonesia, major presence in India and China, and a significant centre and research foundation in Italy, our global network enriches our education and research, and nurtures enduring, diverse global relationships.

We harness the research and expertise of our global network of talent and campuses to produce tangible, real-world solutions and applications at the Monash Technology Precinct, where our ethos of change catalyses collaboration between researchers, infrastructure and industry, and drives innovation through commercial opportunities that deliver positive impact to human lives.

In our short history, we have skyrocketed through global university rankings and established ourselves consistently among the world’s best tertiary institutions. We rank in the world’s top-50 universities in the QS World University Rankings 2024, Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2023 and US News and World Report (USNWR) Best Global Universities Rankings 2022-23.

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Displaying 3921 - 3940 of 3985 articles

AAP joint.

Explainer: What is synthetic cannabis or Kronic?

Synthetic cannabis, known commercially as Kronic, K2, Kaos or Spice, was designed to circumvent drug laws and give users a “legal high”. But Western Australia banned the product earlier this month and…
Pupils at this charter school appreciate President Obama’s support, but it’s not the only option. Flickr/The White House

Don’t play the market when it comes to children’s education

Education policy in the United States is paved with some glaring failures. Despite this, many Australian reformers are looking west for inspiration, as the Gonski review of education funding is carried…
You’re not imagining it: hot days are hotter and there are more of them. AAP

Record heatwaves not just a lot of hot air

Are the tornadoes in the USA, or the floods in Queensland and Victoria, or the record drought in southwest Australia, or the Russian heatwave of last year or western Europe in 2003, or Black Saturday…
Gambling harms extend beyond those with the gambling problem, the signatories to the letter argue. AAP

Public health experts support pokies reforms

A number of public health experts have written a letter to the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition and Parlimentarians in support of the mandatory pre-commitment system for poker machines. The signatories…
Scientists have begun to make more noise about climate change. afagen/flickr

When scientists take to the streets it’s time to listen up

CLEARING UP THE CLIMATE DEBATE: Dr Michael Brown exposes the tactics used by purveyors of “non-science” to attack climate change research. It takes a lot to get scientists out of their offices and marching…
The best and the brightest put themselves put themselves through an intellectual ordeal to end up here. Flickr/Tejvan photos

Exam ‘over’ at All Souls College, Oxford, your time starts now…

The most feared exam in the world has been dropped. For over a century those hoping to study at All Souls College in Oxford opened an envelope with trepidation to discover just one word inside. They then…
Keeping weight off is much harder than losing weight in the first instance. AAP

Weighing up the options on obesity

Prevention is the cornerstone of society’s response to the current obesity epidemic. But even if no more people were to gain much more weight, those who are already obese face serious health problems…
More data on the effects of alcohol and energy drinks is needed to inform policy. loop oh/Flickr

Alcohol and energy drinks: too early to make bleary-eyed policy calls

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) has called for a ban on the sale of pre-packaged alcoholic energy drinks based on recent research, echoing a similar call for bottle shops to stop selling pre-packaged…
Even when we rest, all the sections of our brain show some level of activity. flickr/wellunwell

Monday’s medical myth: we only use 10% of our brain

The thought that most of us only use 10% of our brain is appealing because it means we have a whole lot of untapped potential waiting to be harnessed. Unfortunately, that figure is off by about 90%. This…
Men are the economic winners from the current resources boom. flickr/robstephaustralia

The Boom: blokes are benefiting. What about women?

In a decision hailed as ground breaking Fair Work Australia has recently determined that gender is a key factor in women’s low pay. Essentially the argument is that workers in the female dominated community…
Irrigators say they like the Windsor Inquiry, but are they looking after their own interests? AAP

Inquiry slams ‘Swiss cheese effect’ in the Murray-Darling Basin

The Windsor Inquiry has handed down its report on the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. It recommends a halt to water buybacks, more investment in irrigation efficiency and a new governance model for the Basin…
Dialysis is one of the only currently available treatments for kidney disease. AAP

Why stem cells have a stake in kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a significant and growing global public health problem. But the creation of a new type of stem cell offers new hope for therapies and drugs for this worldwide problem. In…
The great Australian dream is also a drain on the public purse.

Why we should topple the sacred cow of negative gearing

ANZ Australia chief executive Phil Chronican appears to have taken surprising aim at one of Australia’s touchiest political issues: negative gearing. “Governments might want to look at whether the current…


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