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Njala University

Njala University College (now Njala University) was established in 1964. Since then, it has served as a major centre for training middle level agricultural extension workers and teachers at secondary school level.

The School of Forestry and Horticulture also became operational at the Njala Campus in October 2007. These Schools prepare sub-degree, undergraduate and postgraduate students for careers in teaching, agricultural extension and in various specialties in the environmental and community health sciences, and in information technology. The Schools also conduct basic and applied research and disseminate the results of these researches through the University’s extension services. In this way, Njala University applies in a practical manner the product of its knowledge and experiences within the country and beyond. Njala University was mandated to:

Encourage the advancement of learning and development of educational, economic, social and ethical standards among the people of Sierra Leone;

Endeavour to improve the health and general welfare of the population; Provide instruction for research and dissemination of research result; Grant degrees, diplomas and certificates and such other awards as the University may determine.


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