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University of Maryland, Baltimore

UMB is Maryland’s only public health, law, and human services university. Six professional schools and a Graduate School confer the majority of health care, human services, and law professional degrees in Maryland each year.

Our mission is to improve the human condition and serve the public good of Maryland and society at-large through education, research, clinical care, and service.


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O fertilizante é a principal fonte de emissões de óxido nitroso, um gás de efeito estufa que aquece o planeta. pixdeluxe/E+ via Getty Images

Aumento da demanda global por fertilizantes e carnes faz emissões do poluente óxido nitroso dispararem

A avaliação mais abrangente já feita de um poderoso gás de efeito estufa mostra quais países estão impulsionando o aumento e quais estão conseguindo reduzir as emissões.
Los fertilizantes son una de las principales fuentes de emisión de óxido nitroso, un gas de efecto invernadero que calienta el planeta. pixdeluxe/E+ via Getty Images

Cambio climático: las emisiones de óxido nitroso se disparan con la creciente demanda de fertilizantes y carne, pero hay soluciones

La evaluación más completa hasta la fecha de un potente gas de efecto invernadero muestra qué países están impulsando su aumento y cuáles están reduciendo con éxito las emisiones.

New research: nitrous oxide emissions 300 times more powerful than CO₂ are jeopardising Earth’s future

Agriculture is the dominant cause for the increasing N₂O concentrations. Emissions must be reduced if we hope to stabilise Earth’s climate.
U.S. Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., spoke during a Senate hearing on March 6 about being sexually assaulted in the military. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Sen. Martha McSally, pioneering Air Force pilot, shows how stereotypes victimize sexual assault survivors again

Sen. Martha McSally has broken gender barriers right and left. Despite the power she amassed over a career of firsts, she felt ‘powerless’ when raped. She’s not the only woman to feel that way.
A mother in the Mother Goose on the Loose program reading to her infant. University of Maryland Medical System Foundation

Reading and singing to preemies helps parents feel comfortable with their fragile babies

A new program has been show to help parents of preemies use their voice to foster their premature baby’s language development. The findings are hopeful, the researchers behind the program say.
Environmentalists are not fans of EPA chief Scott Pruitt. Reuters/Mike Theiler

How environmentalists can regroup for the Trump era

Green groups fighting Trump’s anti-environmental agenda should heed precedents from the Reagan and George W. Bush administrations. They can also learn from the Australian experience.
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt gestures as he answers a question during a news conference in Oklahoma City, Thursday, June 13, 2013. AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki

Can legal activist Scott Pruitt undo clean air and water protections as head of EPA?

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt has sued the federal government repeatedly. If he becomes head of EPA and tries to weaken environmental laws, opponents are likely to do the same to him.
Justice scale and flag. St. Louis Circuit Attorney's Office/Wikimedia

Will anyone be prosecuted in the Flint water crisis?

Many observers have called for criminal prosecutions in Flint, Michigan’s water crisis. A law professor with experience in federal and state government reviews the laws that may have been broken.
Police in NSW will soon be equipped with body cameras – as will their counterparts on Queensland’s Gold Coast in domestic violence incidents. AAP/Andi Yu

Beware the unintended consequences of police-worn body cameras

Police-worn body cameras could be a helpful tool for law enforcement in cases involving domestic violence. But they could also have unintended consequences.


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