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University of Surrey

The University of Surrey is a global university, renowned for the outstanding quality and impact of its graduates and research, as well as its collective contribution to society.

Since the University’s founding in the 1960s out of origins that can be traced back to 1894, its community has thrived on strong connections and collaborations on campus and with the wider world.

Today, we remain true to those goals and have an ambitious strategic agenda to be in the top 100 universities in the world, generating knowledge, educating change-makers, and influencing practice beyond our boundaries for a better society and planet.

Surrey is always looking for ways for its academics to engage with the public and show the relevance of research to the wider world. The Conversation will provide opportunities to do this.

Research with impact

Ground-breaking research at Surrey is bringing direct benefits to many spheres of life – helping industry to maintain its competitive edge and creating improvements in the areas of artificial intelligence, sustainability, health and life sciences, medicine, and space science.

The 2021 Research Excellence Framework reported that 89 per cent of our submitted research outputs are rated as world-leading or internationally excellent, while 94 per cent of our research is taking place in an environment conducive to producing world-leading or internationally excellent research in the future.

An international outlook

The University of Surrey is committed to being a world-leading, international university. Our goal is to work with international partners to tackle the global challenges we face. We actively explore opportunities for high-quality joint research with government, industry and charitable organisations.

As part of the University Global Partnership Network (UGPN), whose members include North Carolina State University and The University of São Paulo, we are engaged in a new approach to partnerships, focusing on deep engagement with a small number of institutions across the world.


Displaying 421 - 440 of 519 articles

That one needs more galloping powder. EPA

No, the Queen isn’t doping her prized racehorses

Exciting news from the world of horseracing: the Queen’s racehorse Estimate has tested positive for morphine. With the Lance Armstrong and Tyson Gay doping scandals fresh in their minds, reporters are…
A train carrying the remains of crash victims is guarded by pro-Russian separatists. EPA/Robert Ghement

Russia must co-operate with investigation of MH17 or risk wearing the blame

US Secretary of State John Kerry has left the rest of the world in no doubt as to who America blames for the downing of MH17, appearing on several Sunday talkshows to point the finger at pro-Russian separatists…
The Americans claim that North Sea tax system is inhibiting investment. Nick Bramhall

America is right, the UK’s North Sea tax regime needs reforming

The UK North Sea is attracting attention once again after being overshadowed by the shale debate for quite some time. Most recently this has been thanks to the UK government’s announcement this week of…
Is that an volatile organic compound I can smell, or your aftershave? Lei Han

City parks are good for people, but not so good for buildings

While city planners have been encouraged to plant trees and gardens to green the city for the health of its inhabitants, recent research has found that the same trees can damage certain buildings. Our…
Donna Tartt is the bookies’ favourite for the 2014 Baileys Women’s Prize. EPA/Bas Czerwinski

The Women’s Prize for Fiction and our forgotten literary foremothers

Speculation is rife as to who will win the Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction. The prize, which launched as the Orange Prize in 1996, has a distinguished list of former winners, including Kate Grenville…
61 speeches and counting. Andy Rain/EPA

Queen’s Speech 2014: the experts respond

The government’s legislative plan for its final year has been set out in the Queen’s speech. It most notably contains a recall bill that will allow voters to sack MPs who are jailed or who have committed…
MP? Me? Naaaaah. Ben Birchall/PA

Nigel Farage was never going to stand in Newark

Every time you hear the words “seriously considering” from UKIP, you know the party has found itself in a bit of a tricky position. On one hand, something’s happened that’s generating news coverage, and…
Sleeping on the plane is no jet lag cure. Edward Simpson

Mathematicians develop new app to put jet lag to bed

Jet lag is a discomfort many of us will have experienced in the days following a long-haul flight across time zones. Mathematicians in the US may have a jet-lag cure in the form a new app called Entrain…


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