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University of Waikato

The University of Waikato is committed to delivering a world-class education and research portfolio, providing a full and dynamic university experience, distinctive in character, and pursuing strong international links to advance knowledge. Today Waikato University is home to more than 12,000 students, based at its Hamilton and Tauranga campuses, which are both on the North Island of New Zealand.


Displaying 141 - 160 of 305 articles

Papua New Guinea National Department of Health/Facebook

Covid-19: ¿Por qué casi todos los habitantes de Papúa Nueva Guinea tienen pavor a las vacunas?

Muchos papúes evangélicos y pentecostalistas, que creen en la inminente segunda venida de Jesucristo como prólogo del fin del mundo, escrutan el mundo continuamente en busca de la señal definitiva. Para muchos de ellos, la vacuna contra la covid-19 sería la “marca de la bestia”.
Jacinda Ardern and partner Clarke Gayford visit a pop-up vaccination clinic on ‘Super Saturday’. Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images

New Zealand’s mass vaccination event lifts uptake but highlights dangerous inequities as the country prepares to open up

As pressure mounts to adopt the “individual armour of vaccination” before public health measures are removed, New Zealand needs to shift resources and control to locally run vaccination programmes.

Beyond Zoom, Teams and video lectures — what do university students really want from online learning?

Research is now showing what works — and what doesn’t — for students forced online by the pandemic. Better course design should be the next step.


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