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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 2141 - 2160 of 4198 articles

Incomplete skulls from Xuchang archaeological site in China are dated to between 125,000 and 105,000 years old. (Credit: Xiu-Jie Wu, IVPP) Xiu-Jie Wu, IVPP

New skulls from China have scientists and the media in a muddle

Just a decade ago we thought we had solved the mystery of mysteries. We were confident we had finally puzzled out the evolutionary origins of modern humans. Two hundred thousand years ago our species evolved…
Detail of a production still from Baden Pailthorpe ‘s MQ-9 Reaper III (Skyquest) 2015 Courtesy of the artist and Sullivan+Strumpf, Sydney

Friday essay: video games, military culture and new narratives of war

Video games such as Battlefield I encourage players to find purpose and meaning in war. But a new generation of artists and gamers is starting to question the messages they propagate.
The March for Science will build on other rallies that encourage the use of scientific evidence in forming policy. AAP Image/Mal Fairclough

Why we’re marching for science in Australia

March for Science rallies will take place in cities around Australia on Saturday 22 April. A volunteer organiser explains why he and others are participating.
Female traders are better at buying cheap and selling high. U.S. Embassy Kyiv Ukraine/Flickr

Why women make the best stock traders

New research reveals not only why female traders buy and sell less than men, but that they may be better at it.
Sydney’s summer was the hottest on record. AAP Image/Dean Lewins

Climate change’s signature was writ large on Australia’s crazy summer of 2017

New South Wales has just had its hottest summer on record – an event that was made 50 times more likely by humans’ impact on the climate.
Deporting more illegal immigrants means hiring more ICE agents. The costs add up. Charles Reed/U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement via AP

Why mass deportations are costly and hurt the economy

Following through on campaign promises to forcibly evict several million illegal immigrants, Trump has set in motion a plan to deport those with criminal records. But doing so won’t come cheap.
The ‘Venus of Willendorf’ at around 28,000 years old is one of the earliest depictions of women in art (Source: Ziko van Dijk). Wikimedia Commons

Where were all the women in the Stone Age?

Were there any women around in the Palaeolithic Era? If popular culture is any guide you’d think not. And even archaeology itself has a long way to go to address a deeply ingrained bias towards men. It’s…


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