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Live-stream: Future of Higher Education symposium

Take part in The Conversation’s Future of Higher Education symposium here. Online learning image from

Five of our authors will today present their ideas on the future of higher education in a conversation with Tertiary Education Minister Chris Evans. And you’re invited to take part.

For two weeks our authors have been putting forward their ideas on how the university sector can respond to the online revolution underway in higher education. Today these ideas will be debated in a two-hour symposium with the Minister.

We hope the discussion will inform future policy decisions on this important issue.

These 5 panelists have been selected from the 15 articles which themselves were drawn from 120 submissions on the topic of predicted change ahead in higher education. Series authors were asked to consider the implications of the rise in online and blended learning on teaching, learning, the student experience and the physical infrastructure of campuses.

You’ve been submitting your comments via the articles, Twitter and Facebook. Today some of those questions will be put to the Minister and panel. And we’d love to hear from you today.

We’re tweeting under #FutureHigherEd and look forward to your comments here, on

If you haven’t had a chance to catch up on the series, you can read all of our author’s contributions here:

Part one: Online opportunities: digital innovation or death through regulation?, Jane Den Hollander

Part two: MOOCs and exercise bikes – more in common than you’d think, Phillip Dawson & Robert Nelson

Part three: How Australian universities can play in the MOOCs market, David Sadler

Part four: MOOC and you’re out of a job: uni business models in danger, Mark Gregory

Part five: Radical rethink: how to design university courses in the online, Paul Wappett

Part six: Online education: can we bridge the digital divide?, Tim Pitman

Part seven: Online learning will change universities by degrees, Margaret Gardner

Part eight: The university campus of the future: what will it look like?, David Lamond

Part nine: Deadset? MOOCs and Australian education in a globalised world, Ruth Morgan

Part ten: Research online: why universities need to be knowledge brokers, Justin O'Brien

Part eleven: Online education at the coalface: what academics need to know, Rod Lamberts & Will Grant

Part twelve: A little bit more conversation: the limits of online education, Shirley Alexander

Part thirteen: What students want and how universities are getting it wrong, Alasdair McAndrew

Part fourteen: The elephant in the chat room: will international students stay at home?, Thomas Birtchnell

Part fifteeen: Deeper learning by design: what online education platforms can do, Gavin Melles

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