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Articles on History

Displaying 561 - 580 of 1520 articles

Australia’s move to increase fees for some university humanities courses reflects global trends towards market-friendly education that overlook what’s needed for human flourishing. Here, the University of Sydney. (Eriksson Luo/Unsplash)

Stop telling students to study STEM instead of humanities for the post-coronavirus world

Today’s urgent inequality and environmental crises mean that more, not fewer, students should be studying history.
Principled revolutionaries: the Pilgrim Monument at Provincetown, Massachusetts. TWA Photography via Shutterstock

Mayflower 400: were the Pilgrims asylum seekers or subversives?

Puritan leaders argued vehemently for a church to be free of any higher authority – which caused problems in England and the new world.
President Donald Trump speaks during an event on judicial appointments at the White House on Sept. 9, 2020. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Trump aligns ignorance with bigotry as he attempts to rewrite history

Donald Trump’s attack on racial injustice is an attempt to replace historical consciousness with historical amnesia. It’s a racialized politics of organized forgetting.
Charlottesville city workers drape a tarp over the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in 2018. Debate over removing the statue continues today. AP Photo/Steve Helber, File

Monuments ‘expire’ – but offensive monuments can become powerful history lessons

Once stripped of their symbolic power, problem monuments offer what educators call ‘teachable moments,’ helping people assess society’s current values and compare them with what mattered in the past.
David Fairchild (middle) drinks coconut water during a break from research work in West Java. Fairchild, D. (1938). The World was My Garden: Travels of Plant Explorer. New York, London

Why the role of native Indonesians in developing science is often overlooked during colonialism

In the history of science, the role of local people often disappears despite their contribution to the development of science.
Who are in the hoodies? BeeBright/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Russian cyberthreat extends to coronavirus vaccine research

The Russian cyberthreat, now targeting coronavirus vaccine research, goes back over three decades, extends into the country’s educational systems and criminal worlds, and shows no signs of letting up.

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