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Reader in Early Modern History, University of East Anglia

Polly Ha studied history at Yale University and was elected to the Paul Mellon Fellowship at Clare College, University of Cambridge, where she completed her PhD under the supervision of Professor John Morrill. Her dissertation was jointly awarded the Prince Consort and Thirlwall Prize and the Seeley Medal. Before being appointed Lecturer at UEA, she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow of the British Academy and Clare Hall, Cambridge. She also visited the University of Southern California in 2007-08 as Andrew W. Mellon Fellow and Lecturer. To date her work has been awarded nearly $1 million in funding from The British Academy, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and The Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Dr. Ha's research interests include:

-The ethics and culture of change
-Religious and political instability (c. 1560-1660) with a particular focus on Early Modern England
-The reception of continental European Reformation in Britain
-Religious freedom and toleration in Revolutionary Britain and the British Atlantic world

Current research projects (supported by the Arts Humanities Research Council in collaboration with the Jefferson Foundation and Trinity College Dublin):

-Independent freedom in the early modern world
-Religious conspiracies in early modern Britain

Other areas of interest:

-The uses of ancient and early modern history
-Print, censorship and scribal publications
-Early modern legal culture
-The social dynamics of puritan discipline and reformed church polity


  • –present
    Reader in Early Modern History, University of East Anglia