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Articles on Inequality

Displaying 121 - 140 of 1032 articles

Members of the Forward Marching Band perform at a HONK! Festival in Somerville, Massachusetts, on Oct. 7, 2017. Jonathan Wiggs/The Boston Globe via Getty Images

Building something better: How community organizing helps people thrive in challenging times

Organizers across the US are finding innovative grassroots strategies for helping people thrive. Many of these ventures emphasize working together as part of communities and collective systems.
Workers harvesting crops in a Dutch East Indies’ plantation. Leiden University Library/Wikimedia

Mapping inequality in Dutch colonial-era Indonesia

Economic inequality during the Dutch East Indies era varied radically, depending on where you look. What made the income distribution different from one region to another?
Employees are more likely to put in long hours when they’re passionate about their work. sturti / Getty Images

5 drawbacks to following your passion

A sociologist took a critical look at the cherished career advice to ‘follow your passion.’ What she found is that this advice often brings unintended consequences.
Punit Paranjpe/AFP

The multiple faces of inequality in India

Preliminary research finds that India’s high growth rate has failed to trickle down to society’s marginalised communities, with caste, gender and background still dictating life chances.
Most of us love chocolates, but child labor has been found involved in some of the production. Jupiterimages/The Image Bank via Getty Images

Some chocolate has a dark side to it – child labor

An anthropologist writes that despite best efforts, there is no guarantee that children may not have been exploited in the production process of chocolate.

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