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Articles on Racial discrimination

Displaying 81 - 100 of 122 articles

About 200 convicted illegal immigrants serving their sentences before being deported, in Phoenix. AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin, File

Trump’s immigration policies will pick up where Obama’s left off

In his first year of office, Trump’s immigration policy will likely focus not on building an expensive wall, but rather on the work that earned Obama the nickname ‘Deporter in Chief.’
Paul Keating took the prime ministership with a ‘comprehensive plan to get the country cracking’, but the task was daunting. National Archives of Australia

Cabinet papers 1992-93: the balance of head and heart

Labor’s project of economic transformation hit some harder realities as Paul Keating assumed the top job. And a new push on remaking Australia stirred a brooding reaction of its own.
The federal court dismissed claims brought under the Racial Discrimination Act against three Queensland University of Technology students under section 18C. AAP Image/Dan Peled

Change Section 18C? Critics should do this crash course first

The time is right for a crash course on section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, its exemptions and the powers of the Australian Human Rights Commission.
Despite more than three in every four refugees from South Sudan reporting experience of discrimination, a similar proportion remain positive about their new lives in Australia. AAP/Maria Zsoldos

Migrants from Africa bear brunt of discrimination but remain positive, survey finds

While 60-77% of migrants of African origin and 59% of Indigenous Australians report experience of discrimination in the Scanlon Foundation survey of Australian attitudes, optimism endures.
The Cannon Street All-Stars watch from the stands at the 1955 Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. 1955 Cannon Street All-Stars/Facebook

How bigotry crushed the dreams of an all-black Little League team

Charleston’s Cannon Street YMCA All-Stars thought they’d have a chance to compete for a spot in the coveted Little League World Series. But South Carolina’s Little League director had other ideas.
How fast can it get here? Box delivery image via Hadrian /

Algorithms can be more fair than humans

Algorithms can discriminate, even when their designers don’t intend that to happen. But they also can make detecting bias easier.
While there are legitimate grounds for critique of Section 18C, David Leyonhjelm’s ‘test’ case is not the ideal candidate. AAP/Lukas Coch

Could Section 18C protect ‘angry white males’ like David Leyonhjelm?

David Leyonhjelm’s complaint over being called an ‘angry white male’ could showcase the difficulty in launching a successful action under Section 18C and undermine an argument in support of repeal.
While most people would assume being the victim of racism can’t be good for us, being a perpetrator of racism is also bad for our health. from

Does racism make us sick?

In highlighting the importance of retaining section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, shadow attorney general Mark Dreyfus said racial discrimination can make people sick.
When would-be renters enquire about a property, their ethnicity can make a significant difference to how the agent responds. AAP/David Crosling

A white face can be a big help in a discriminatory housing market

An experiment compared the experience of Anglo, Indian and Muslim Middle Eastern “renters” looking for housing. The differences in how they were treated were significant.
People queue up outside the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC to hear the case of Fisher v University of Texas, Austin. Jose Luis Magaua/Reuters

How much diversity can the US Constitution stand?

As the affirmative action case comes up before the US Supreme Court again, the question being asked is how much diversity is enough?

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