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Articles on Scotland

Displaying 461 - 480 of 651 articles

Martin McGuinness believes it’s time for a border poll. Sinn Fein

A Northern Ireland ‘border poll’ could help pave path of peace

In the wake of the Scottish referendum, Martin McGuinness, the deputy first minister of Northern Ireland, renewed his party Sinn Féin’s call for a “border poll” to decide if Northern Ireland should leave…
Neptune’s own prongs. PA/PA Wire

Scotland No vote has halted a wider debate about Trident

Nowhere was the relief over Scotland’s decision last week to remain part of the United Kingdom more acutely felt than with those responsible for Britain’s nuclear deterrent system, Trident. The Scottish…
How do you want your democracy? Ray Collins/The Sun/PA Wire/Press Association Images

Scottish vote gives UK a chance to repair itself – but it’s a big job

For years, Westminster politicians justified their neglect of constitutional issues by saying there are no votes in the constitution. In other words, voters are not really that interested in knowing how…
Separating power is not so easy. Owen Humphreys/PA Wire

People must remain engaged in debate over future of Britain

The vote, in the end, was decisive, with the Better Together campaign winning with 55% of ballots cast. As a Glaswegian living in Southampton, I’ve watched from afar, saddened not to be in my home nation…
Now, naw means no. Liz Smith

Scotland Decided: experts react to No vote

In its independence referendum, Scotland voted to remain in the United Kingdom by 55-45%. Our panel looks at what happened, and where it leaves the UK and Scotland. Neil Blain, Professor of Communications…
Jubilation: No supporters celebrate. Lynne Cameron/PA Wire

The UK survives as Scotland votes No to independence

In the end, Scots pulled back from the brink. After a referendum that saw support for independence start well behind in the polls, it grew over the long campaign. Dennis Canavan, former Labour MP who chaired…
Look who’s back… Stefan Rousseau/PA

Gordon Brown’s political resurrection

In the last three weeks of the Scottish referendum campaign, Gordon Brown had already emerged as the galvanising force on the No side. This reached new heights on Wednesday in Glasgow when he made what…

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