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Articles on Transport

Displaying 101 - 120 of 414 articles

When politicians use selected modelling results to justify their decisions on contentious projects like Melbourne’s North East Link, the credibility of transport models suffers by association. Vic Govt/AAP

The problem with transport models is political abuse, not their use in planning

Transport modelling has been tarnished by its use to justify the predetermined projects politicians favour. But, if used more transparently, it’s a valuable tool for planning our future cities.
Rue des Tournelles, Paris, November 5, 2019. Four Voi scooters wait hopefully for potential clients, with a Lime and Dott sprawling nearby. Behind them, a Velib’ rider has made his choice. Leighton Kille/The Conversation France

E-scooters, bikes and urban mobility: lessons from the streets of Paris

In major cities around the world, dockless scooters and bikes are everywhere, yet the companies themselves are often breathtakingly short-lived. Basic economic concepts give us clues why.
Sunrise at Beachmere, Queensland. Mark Wasser/Flickr

A shot of hope in the face of climate despair

We’ve spent years publishing smart, practical research on real climate solutions. Now it’s time to put it all into practice.
Australia and Russia could soon be the last remaining developed nations without fuel efficiency standards, with New Zealand proposing new rules and financial incentives to get more people driving cleaner cars.

New Zealand poised to introduce clean car standards and incentives to cut emissions

New Zealand has proposed new fuel standards, along with a consumer rebates for cleaner cars – paid for by higher costs for high-polluting cars – to cut its rising transport emissions.

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